Remember DPS Officer M. "Russ" Jones who was involved with the arrest, tasering, and abuse of Pastor Anderson at the Wellton Sector Border Patrol checkpoint last April? Well now he is running against Judge Cora Romine for Justice of the Peace in Wellton!
If Officer "Russ" Jones were to be elected as judge in Wellton, he would be the one deciding all future misdemeanor cases coming out of that checkpoint! How in the world could he be fair and impartial as a judge?!
This was the arresting officer who after 28 years as a DPS officer had to read Pastor Anderson's rights to him from a cue card and still jumbled them up! Apparently people's rights aren't very high on this man's list of important things for him to know as a police officer. He was also the officer who refused to let Pastor Anderson use a bathroom until he had asked over 10 times. He was also the officer who testified three times in court that he had twice ordered Pastor Anderson to move his vehicle. His testimony was proven false to the jury by the camcorder video recording.
Russ Jones is also one of the defendants listed in Pastor Anderson's lawsuit. He is being sued on 5 counts:
1. Wrongful Arrest and Imprisonment
2. Assault and Battery
3. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
4. Negligence and/or Gross Negligence
5. Deprivation of Civil Rights
From his Campaign Facebook Page:
- Honest
- Respectful
- Fair and Unbiased
- Patient
- Decisive
- Good communication skills
- Knowledge of the law
- Good Common Sense
Unfortunately Americans are so stupid they will probably vote the creep in.
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone will vote for him, but unfortunately the votes will be counted by means of "Jerry" the drug dog sniffing the ballots. In case you didn't know, Jerry is the county recorder for the town of Wellton.
ReplyDeleteThat's right. His name is "Jerry C."
ReplyDeleteNote to self...start camcorder when being pulled over by a police officer. On the defense of police officers everywhere (my uncle is at Pennsylvania State Trooper) they do fight the good fight most of the time. Unfortunately most of what they deal with is not good and upright citizens. I know it seems they should error on the side of the innocent but many times they have to error on the side of caution.
ReplyDeleteThey don't have to "error" at all. The Nazi pig will be the first one to tell you your actions are your choice, and your responsibility. Then they have all kinds of BS excuses for their conduct they chose. They are hypocrits and criminals with badges. If there were any good cops, there wouldn't be any bad cops.
ReplyDeleteWell I can tell you Judge Jones loved busting me a little over of a year ago. I was found guilty on two misdemeanors, attempted possession of marijuana, and attempted possession of drug paraphernalia. It cost me over $3500.00 in legal fees, my job of 10 years, all this for trying to be a good Dad for my daughter and agreeing to go see her friend in Yuma who by the way stopped the friendship recently.
ReplyDeleteI was with my daughter who was 22 at the time and the Border Patrol had a heyday searching my rental car after they found less then a bowl of weed. BP agent Jessica Cessna acted like she had balls. Maybe she did!
I am shocked that Judge Jones is a judge after he was the primary arresting officer in the Pastor Anderson case. He is a fat cat too, he is eating good on that salary!
Well I can tell you Judge Jones loved busting me a little over of a year ago. I was found guilty on two misdemeanors, attempted possession of marijuana, and attempted possession of drug paraphernalia. It cost me over $3500.00 in legal fees, my job of 10 years, all this for trying to be a good Dad for my daughter and agreeing to go see her friend in Yuma who by the way stopped the friendship recently.
ReplyDeleteI was with my daughter who was 22 at the time and the Border Patrol had a heyday searching my rental car after they found less then a bowl of weed. BP agent Jessica Cessna acted like she had balls. Maybe she did!
I am shocked that Judge Jones is a judge after he was the primary arresting officer in the Pastor Anderson case. He is a fat cat too, he is eating good on that salary!
Sir, did you happen to win your lawsuit? Do you have any update on this?
ReplyDeleteMy respects pastor Anderson. Anything on the lawsuit. hopefully all those border patrol agents lost their jobs and more.
ReplyDeletePastor Anderson, I have searched the internet to find out the lawsuit outcome. Would you post the result??
ReplyDeleteThat was some funny shit. I LAUGHED my ass off thank you for standing up for our rights the country needs more citizens like you