
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Breaking News! A Pastor Actually Preaching the Whole Bible!


  1. I don't in any way agree with your theology, your politics, your opinions, or your opinions about theology and/or politics.

    At all.

    That being said, I also very strongly disagree with the kind of outside approach (as exemplified in this video) to those beliefs that treats them like crimes. No matter how much I disagree with you, no matter how much I dislike what you stand for and believe, it is your right to believe those things and hold those opinions.

    It's almost like this reporter is attempting to accuse you of more than merely holding opinions. Granted, if your opinions, or the way you communicate them, precipitate violence among your acolytes that may constitute a problem. But there is no evidence of such a situation.

    Your views are, in my opinion, reprehensible. But I am almost more concerned and repulsed by a mindset that would imply you ought not be able to express those views than by the views themselves.

    You can hate people all you want; so long as you don't harm them or their rights it ought to be your right to hate or to think anything else. Your thoughts and mind are your own.

  2. Where in the Bible does it say you should hate gays? I know it says that you should kill gays, but I wasn't aware it said you should hate them too.

    Come to think of it, if you really are "Preaching the Whole Bible"...why aren't you killing gays?

  3. Do you hate any other groups of people?

    Do you believe homosexuals can get saved? If so, do you start by telling them that you hate them?

  4. And this was on the news, why? If liberal Baptists weren't ashamed of parts of the Bible, this kind of preaching would be considered commonplace.

  5. Mr. Anderson, (I'll bee awaiting your answers and explanations on here) ( looks like I have 3 main questions)

    What exact scriptures do you use to justify Hating Homosexuals and Wishing they were dead? Do you believe this sin is worse than others--Adultery, Lying, Pride, Anger (the "Whole" Bible covers all of these things and more)? Also, do you think a Homosexual can't be saved/repent?? (seems your wife has suggested this along with the Westboro Baptist Church. I have a question about the word WERE used in Corinthians when it lists sins and says "Such were some of you")

    I do read in the Bible that God speaks against Homosexuality, but this is one sin of Many. I know people reference Romans, perhaps Corinthians. And this sin is among many others mentioned in the OT--Deuteronomy and Leviticus. As far as sins calling for death, I did read that Homosexuality is one, so is Adultery, and there might have been at least one more....if there are more please let me know.

    I am not trying to argue that Homosexuality is ok. I am trying to understand why you think it is a Worse sin than others? Why you think we are to Hate these people and wish they were Dead More than other sins? And why you Might think they can't repent? I guess I can understand teaching what is a sin and what is not a sin. I don't fully understand teaching and preaching to Hate these people.

    The following that I write may not be true, I am just trying to make an example. If I am wrong please correct me. I seems as I have looked at your site and Facebook, it appears that your parents may be divorced. If they are, does that make at least one of them an adulterer? Should they be hated and wished they were dead according to Scripture? Should our society or government take them out somewhere and kill them. (I think this is what you have said our govt. should do to Homosexuals and even Adulterers.) Maybe the sin was done before they became Christians? They had an opportunity to repent and come Christ. Does the Homosexual? It seems I read on your wife's blog, and it seems to be the stance of the Westboro Baptist Church that Homosexuals are that way because of their rejection of God--they have become so depraved (Romans), and the WBC has said that they can't repent. (If I am wrong in my assumption about your parents, I ask your forgiveness.) I'm just wondering who was supposed to take them out and kill/stone them. Are your wife's parents also divorced? I think she has written such. Who should take her parents out and stone them. Or do we give them time to repent? How is all this supposed to work according to God's word? Do you and your wife get to go out and stone your parents? Or do you just want to stone the Homosexual?

    I read in Corinthians where it seems Paul? is talking to believers. He lists a whole bunch of sins and it says, "such were some of you"......I take the emphasis to be WERE. The difference is accepting or rejecting Christ, isn't it. Is this correct? This seems to imply that Former Homosexuals or Effeminate, or whatever words different translations use, were part of the group of Believers. I really, truly want to understand this passage, and am open to teaching from your King James Bible, since it is the Only True translation according to the IFB's. Also in Romans after it talks about having a depraved mind, it lists other sins and says these people EVEN do some of these things--those things listed seem to be less sinful than Homosexuality--my current version is the perverted NIV.

    Robyn in Alabama--continued

  6. Mr. Anderson, (I'll bee awaiting your answers and explanations on here) ( looks like I have 3 main questions)

    What exact scriptures do you use to justify Hating Homosexuals and Wishing they were dead? Do you believe this sin is worse than others--Adultery, Lying, Pride, Anger (the "Whole" Bible covers all of these things and more)? Also, do you think a Homosexual can't be saved/repent?? (seems your wife has suggested this along with the Westboro Baptist Church. I have a question about the word WERE used in Corinthians when it lists sins and says "Such were some of you")

    I do read in the Bible that God speaks against Homosexuality, but this is one sin of Many. I know people reference Romans, perhaps Corinthians. And this sin is among many others mentioned in the OT--Deuteronomy and Leviticus. As far as sins calling for death, I did read that Homosexuality is one, so is Adultery, and there might have been at least one more....if there are more please let me know.

    I am not trying to argue that Homosexuality is ok. I am trying to understand why you think it is a Worse sin than others? Why you think we are to Hate these people and wish they were Dead More than other sins? And why you Might think they can't repent? I guess I can understand teaching what is a sin and what is not a sin. I don't fully understand teaching and preaching to Hate these people.

    The following that I write may not be true, I am just trying to make an example. If I am wrong please correct me. I seems as I have looked at your site and Facebook, it appears that your parents may be divorced. If they are, does that make at least one of them an adulterer? Should they be hated and wished they were dead according to Scripture? Should our society or government take them out somewhere and kill them. (I think this is what you have said our govt. should do to Homosexuals and even Adulterers.) Maybe the sin was done before they became Christians? They had an opportunity to repent and come Christ. Does the Homosexual? It seems I read on your wife's blog, and it seems to be the stance of the Westboro Baptist Church that Homosexuals are that way because of their rejection of God--they have become so depraved (Romans), and the WBC has said that they can't repent. (If I am wrong in my assumption about your parents, I ask your forgiveness.) I'm just wondering who was supposed to take them out and kill/stone them. Are your wife's parents also divorced? I think she has written such. Who should take her parents out and stone them. Or do we give them time to repent? How is all this supposed to work according to God's word? Do you and your wife get to go out and stone your parents? Or do you just want to stone the Homosexual?

    Robyn in Alabama--continued

  7. The following that I write may not be true, I am just trying to make an example. If I am wrong please correct me. I seems as I have looked at your site and Facebook, it appears that your parents may be divorced. If they are, does that make at least one of them an adulterer? Should they be hated and wished they were dead according to Scripture? Should our society or government take them out somewhere and kill them. (I think this is what you have said our govt. should do to Homosexuals and even Adulterers.) Maybe the sin was done before they became Christians? They had an opportunity to repent and come Christ. Does the Homosexual? It seems I read on your wife's blog, and it seems to be the stance of the Westboro Baptist Church that Homosexuals are that way because of their rejection of God--they have become so depraved (Romans), and the WBC has said that they can't repent. (If I am wrong in my assumption about your parents, I ask your forgiveness.) I'm just wondering who was supposed to take them out and kill/stone them. Are your wife's parents also divorced? I think she has written such. Who should take her parents out and stone them. Or do we give them time to repent? How is all this supposed to work according to God's word? Do you and your wife get to go out and stone your parents? Or do you just want to stone the Homosexual?

    I read in Corinthians where it seems Paul? is talking to believers. He lists a whole bunch of sins and it says, "such were some of you"......I take the emphasis to be WERE. The difference is accepting or rejecting Christ, isn't it. Is this correct? This seems to imply that Former Homosexuals or Effeminate, or whatever words different translations use, were part of the group of Believers. I really, truly want to understand this passage, and am open to teaching from your King James Bible, since it is the Only True translation according to the IFB's. Also in Romans after it talks about having a depraved mind, it lists other sins and says these people EVEN do some of these things--those things listed seem to be less sinful than Homosexuality--my current version is the perverted NIV.

    Robyn in Alabama--Part 2 of 4

  8. As far as hating or not hating. I guess I would say that we have our laws as Americans, but God's law is the real guide for all Humans and Nations, and as a Christian we are to follow that. If you are Hating when God doesn't say to Hate, then you are incorrect, and if you are preaching things that are not exactly true, does that make you a false teacher or false prophet?? I say this about Fred Phelps as well? It seems some preachers might because of their tradition seem to preach against this sin more than others, and imply that they should be killed, and rally up their congregation to want to do this. Your denomination/group (Independent Fundamental Baptist) seem to be such a group.

    (along with all other denominations, I wonder how you got your start and your name because we are Christians--not Methodists, not Baptists, not Fundamental Baptists, not followers of Paul or Apollos, not Calvinists, or Reformed------We are supposed to be CHRISTIANS--Holy Spirit indwelt Children of God) I heard an IFB preacher from I think NC who was preaching such things 15 years ago. He now says he doesn't preach like that. If your group--IFB are really the true church--why not drop the Baptist name, and just call yourself a Church or Christian??

    I might have read on your wife's blog where she sounded really happy that her young child was saying negative things about homosexuals when she was at the grocery store. She and or the WBC has called the homosexuals Filthy Fags, and I recall reading that your wife wishes they would stop reading her blog. If you don't want the Whole World to have access to your family and your children, why do you have an open blog on the internet? Do you do it because it is your way of witnessing to everyone? Can't you have private blogs connecting to just your friends, family, or is it that you Want everyone to see your info and views?? If that is the case, then anyone should be able to read and comment, Gay or Straight.

    Robyn in Alabama--Part 3 of 4

  9. Another thought. If you denomination, and your family preaches so much agains about TV, even educational shows? Why is is ok, to post so much information about your family and children on the internet. I know all your names: Steven, ZsuZsanna, Solomon, Isaac, John, Miriam, Becky, and another one any day now? Where is the Godly Wisdom in all of this, and how is this ok, and cooking shows on PBS and Sesame Street or Elmo in PBS is bad???

    So, I guess I have the three main questions, plus maybe a few more woven in here. I know you are busy, but if you and your wife have all this time to post in the internet about things, including your Border Patrol event, and your automobile traffic pullover for a burned bulb, and your very angry sarcastic (to me) Ode to Border Patrol song, I expect that you have be able to make the time to answer my questions--especially since you have made your lives and blogs open to everyone.

    I'll be awaiting your answers on here. I just really want specific scriptures justifying the things you speak. And I really want to know about the Such Were Some of You passage in Corinthians. Thanks!

    Also, like the WBC, do you think what was done to Matthew Shepherd was ok?? It seems at least one of the guys partook in this beating and murder bc he thought homosexuality is wrong?

    And, also, I say to you and Fred Phelps, and any other teacher out there, if you call yourself a Pastor or teacher, etc. does the Bible not teach that you are held to be more accountable? I would say anything I have heard from them or you, if it is untrue that makes you false teachers and prophets?? The WBC have videos of the end times and say that Obama is the Anti-Christ. Different subject, but if they are wrong, does that mean they are false and I get to discount everything else they teach??

    Thanks again.

    Robyn in Alabama--Part 4 of 4

  10. Although you say you have never laid hands on anyone you have crossed the line in tempting, tormenting and egging others on to lay hands on you. (the airport video stands out most to me).

    I have a love/hate relationship with you but I have to say this was an excellent interview. Excellent. The Bible is full of things that many don't want to hear and we need people to preach what it says and not always what they want to hear. Good on you for that.

    Congratulations on the beautiful new addition.

  11. I was curious what you though about Harold Camping and his prediction that the rapture will take place on may 21st of next year?

  12. What annoys me about this video is that at the beginning they immediately cut you off right after you said "absolutely". Oh well, that's the sensationalist media for you.

    It's interesting how they called soul winning "recruitment".

  13. Jesus loves. He LOVES.

    Hate is not a part of HIS plan. I feel sorry for you.

  14. wow its funny how the media will pick and choose certian parts of an interview in which to air and make christians especially bible beiieving christians seem like were are bad people like pastor Anderson said how can he call himself a man of God if he doesn't preach and teach and stand behind the whole bible

  15. You need help!!!!

    You are an embarassment to God
