
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Maui Vacation Day #4

Day #4 - Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday morning I woke up at 3am, but Zsuzsa "slept in" until 5am. The reason for the difference was that I had taken a little nap the day before while she drove us to Iao Valley State Park. I used the 2 hours alone to catch up on some Bible memorization. I was mainly finishing up memorizing Daniel chapter 1. When Zsuzsa woke up, we had breakfast at the house consisting of eggs, toast, and prosciutto. At 8:15am, we headed out for church at Grace Independent Baptist Church in Lahaina.

Grace Baptist Church in Lahaina, Maui
 We showed up for the 9:30am "Family Bible Hour," and the lesson was on Daniel 2, which I had just been studying that morning! We stayed for the morning service at 10:30am and heard a sermon on Acts 13:1-3 about the importance of the local church sending out pastors and missionaries. Then after the service there was a potluck, which I must say was the best church potluck I have ever eaten! Some of the highlights were the ham, quinoa salad, chicken fettuccine alfredo, potatoes au gratin, and the fried bananas.

at church
After church and potluck, we headed into Lahaina town for a ride on the submarine Atlantis. This involved taking a boat ride out to the submarine, boarding the sub, and then going down 130' below the surface to look at the marine life. We saw lots of tropical fish and two small sharks. After the submarine ride, we walked around Lahaina town to kill time before the evening church service at 6:00pm. While we walked around the town we had some fudge from the Hawaii Fudge Company and some gelato, oh, and also some "Dole Whip."

on the boat heading out to the submarine

submarine is in the background
130 feet below the surface, a shark is sleeping on the ocean floor.

At church Sunday evening, we heard a sermon from 1 Kings 14 and 2 Chronicles 12 about Rehoboam's shields of gold being replaced with shields of brass. We also talked with a few people at the church who had liked our documentary films (New World Order Bible Versions, Marching to Zion, etc). After church, we headed for Round Table Pizza in Lahaina because you just can't go to Maui and not eat a "Maui Zaui" pizza while you're there! Then they messed up our pizza the first time, so we ended up getting 2 pizzas for the price of one! We ate the pizza on the way home and went to bed early so we could be ready to head out early in the morning on the famous "Road to Hana."


  1. My wife and I are enjoying your vacation stories. :) Living vicariously through your experience.

  2. Let's see ... you're a father of 8.5, a husband, a pastor, a filmmaker, a soul-winner, a home owner, probably the type of all-around Mr. Fix-it that makes us men look bad ... so I know you're busy, but enough is enough: Day 5 please! Chop-chop! This stuff is addictive. :)

  3. Nice , I work at roundtable. Maui zaui is my fav. Vacation looks like a blas.

  4. You are so blessed Pastor Anderson!!!! You look so fulfilled to have a beautiful, modest, God fearing wife and to be able to spend time with her in a place that makes you so in awe of the Lord!!! I hope that one day I can find a good job around Tempe and bring something of value to your church!!!

    I just don't know how you have time to plan all your sermons, church events, do Bible memorization, make excellent documentaries, work, be a father, learn different languages and everything else!!! You're just so diligent and of God. You inspired me to stop smoking pot and read my Bible all the way through!!!

    In 20 years people will be talking about Billy Graham, Chuck Missler, and Steven Anderson. Of course your not a fool like the other two!

  5. You are so blessed Pastor Anderson!!!! You look so fulfilled to have a beautiful, modest, God fearing wife and to be able to spend time with her in a place that makes you so in awe of the Lord!!! I hope that one day I can find a good job around Tempe and bring something of value to your church!!!

    I just don't know how you have time to plan all your sermons, church events, do Bible memorization, make excellent documentaries, work, be a father, learn different languages and everything else!!! You're just so diligent and of God. You inspired me to stop smoking pot and read my Bible all the way through!!!

    In 20 years people will be talking about Billy Graham, Chuck Missler, and Steven Anderson. Of course your not a fool like the other two!
