
Monday, February 13, 2017

Johnny Nixon exposed as a Liberal!

Johnny Nixon is actually listed as a Bible teacher on Bob Gray Sr’s online Bible college faculty list. The other teachers are very well-known, so Johnny Nixon a.k.a. David J. Nixon seems very out of place on that list. I mean, most of these are guys are either pastors of very large churches or long-time Hyles-Anderson staff members. I can’t put my finger on it, but there must be some missing piece of the puzzle.

Which one of these does not belong? Circle the best answer.

Why is Johnny Nixon, a small town liberal, being elevated to Bible teacher alongside of big name fundamentalists? This Johnny Nixon seemed to appear out of nowhere, but from what people have shown us so far, he is no fundamental Baptist.

Johnny Nixon on Graven Images

Johnny Nixon posted a molten image of a long-haired Jesus on his Facebook timeline with the caption, “Beautiful.”

Johnny Nixon on Hollywood Transvestites

Johnny Nixon recently took his mother to go see the movie, Madea Halloween. The main character of the film is a man in drag (i.e. a man dressed up as a woman)

Johnny Nixon on Separation

Johnny Nixon is buddies with the Robertsons from Ducky Dynasty. The Robertsons are members of the Campbellite cult known as "Church of Christ" which teaches baptismal regeneration and 7 steps to salvation.

Another Gem from Johnny Nixon's Facebook page:

Johnny Nixon on Enabling Pedophiles

*Note: when he says "eunuchs," he is referring to men who have lusted after and had intercourse with other men, but have now realized that God wants them to be celibate. Click here for the proof.

The worst thing about Johnny Nixon is obviously his perverted ministry, "Born that Way." I have no doubt that Satan’s goal with Born that Way Ministries is to get Sodomites into the children’s ministries of Baptist churches. Sodomites pretending to be celibate in order to gain access to children is nothing new. Catholic priests who molest young boys are probably the most well-known example of this. Unfortunately, the same age-old tactic is creeping into Baptist churches by way of "Born that Way Ministries."

A lot of people disagree with me on the concept of a family integrated church, but as bad as things are getting, you ought to be terrified of leaving your child in a church nursery or Sunday School class!

In some churches, ushers constantly approach you to let you know they have childcare available, but you can usually politely decline every week until they get the hint. Some pastors offer a nursery and Sunday school classes but are flexible about people who choose to opt out and keep their children with them during the services.

Unfortunately, some churches are militant about separating children from their parents. The most militant churches I know of when it comes to trying to keep babies and small children out of the service are “Hyles-style churches.” Many of these churches attend Bob Gray Sr.’s conferences or frequently have him as a guest speaker.

Hopefully, Bob Gray Sr. drops Born that Way soon, before other pastors in his circle of influence start adopting the “eunuchs are safe” philosophy about Sodomites. We need to fight this for the sake of the children!

Here is Brother Roger Jimenez' sermon on "The Children of Belial"


  1. There is more to this Pastor Anderson, did you see the other info I sent to you last week?

    * Johnny Nixon, PASTOR at First Love Baptist Church, Doerun in Georgia.
    (The screenshot above calls him a pastoral counsellor)

    * No website; but Google Reviews of the church - all 2 reviews are written by his family

    * Facebook page, 3 of 13 reviews written by Nixons, including one by himself!
    (Facebook page also not updated since September 2016)

    * According to LinkedIn, he was a commando in the US Army - yes, this guy.

    Something really ain't right about this dude...

  2. His home church Victory Baptist in Fort Valley, GA is as liberal as they come.

    Their links include:
    David Jeremiah / Turning Point

    Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

    Adrian Rogers / Love Worth Finding

    James Dobson / Focus on the Family

    Georgia Right to Life

    Georgia Baptist Bible Fellowship

    Billy Sampson Ministries

    Rick Gilley Family Faith Family Ministries

    Ken Trivette Native American Ministries

    A Ministry to Women

    United States Baptist Churches

    The Brooklyn Tabernacle

    C.T. Townsend Ministries

    The Rock Ranch

    Rock Springs Church

    Middle Georgia OutReach

    Born That Way .. Created for a purpose

  3. Why are IFB accepting this liberal Johnny Nixon? What in the world is going on? I am trying to figure this out. It makes no sense.

  4. Mannn, have you seen what new article he has written on Apparently your followers have either been molested or have comitted homo acts in the past, and also we fell for your charisma and rhetoric. No I fell for hard bible preaching and was amazed at how much I was learning from you, and thennn after that I realized you were funny and stuff.That guy is a dumb ass.(biblical words)

  5. This is all so disgusting. I'm so glad that God changed my heart to see just how wrong this world is, things like this now disturb me immensely. It's a shame that this is what we teenagers have to grow up in and Duck Dynasty being promoted as a wonderful role model for teenagers as well. I pray for my generation as we grow up into a even more sinful world lead by people like Johnny Nixon , I've already seen the results of this kind of worldly thinking amongst my peers and I'm greatful that God has saved me from this brainwashing I was so much apart of in various and distasteful ways.
    Thank you for exposing him, I pray more teenagers will get the opportunity to be exposed to the truth like I have been and come to know God and Jesus for Who He Is and isn't. To come to know what being a real christian is and means.
    Even thou I have a LONG way to go, finding your sermons was a great start. Thank you.....
    Now how to walk forward is the question! Ha!
