
Sunday, February 19, 2017

New Orleans Soul-winning Marathon - June 2, 2017

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30

We have a soul-winning marathon coming up in New Orleans, Louisiana, on June 2, 2017. We will be teaming up with Faith Baptist Church in Violet, Louisiana, which is located just outside of New Orleans. The pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Pastor Joe Major, seems like a great guy. His preaching style is dynamic, and he’s not afraid to speak out on controversial subjects. In fact, I recently listened to one of Brother Major’s sermons, “Born Straight After All,” which was great!

It may sound strange that I’m calling that subject “controversial,” but preachers who have taken a stand publicly against “Born that Way Ministries,” are few and far between. Pastors like to talk about "same-sex marriage," but very few are sounding the alarm about Sodomites in general. Wolves in sheep's clothing like Johnny Nixon and Joshua Agan are trying to infiltrate churches, and people need to be informed.

When we have these soul-winning events across the country, people often drive several hours to attend. We even have people who fly in from Canada, so don’t feel funny about flying out or taking a long road trip from another state. You are definitely not alone. There are actually people who attend every soul-winning marathon, which is great!

We need silent partners at the soul-winning marathons, so don’t worry if you’ve never been soul winning or if you’re just not comfortable doing the talking yet. We will pair you up with someone more experienced, and you can be a silent partner. Showing up is the first step to becoming a soul winner--we all started out as a silent partner.

Also, this would be a great time for those of you who live anywhere near New Orleans to meet Pastor Joe Major, who is a man of God in your area. Hopefully, through this event, people will get plugged into the church there and continue to win souls on a regular basis.

I hope to see some new faces as well as some familiar ones. I can’t say enough good things about those of you die-hards who are able to travel long distances to the marathons. I appreciate your friendship and the sacrifices you make to attend these events. God bless you, and I’ll see you in New Orleans this June!

“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17

Here is a recent sermon by Pastor Joe Major on Marriage and Divorce.


  1. In Jesus' Name may all who partake be blessed, and win many souls! New Orleans sure needs the Gospel, I believe it's full of voodoo. Also loads may have had near death experiences with Hurricane Katrina so maybe they'll care more to think about "if I died today...".

  2. Wish I could go! I have a goal to go on a soul winning marathon someday, may God bless all who go! Win many souls!
