
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Standing My Ground at a Nazi Checkpoint


  1. I know... It gets exhausting. But keep at it. We have to keep "flexing" our rights so we don't lose them. My husband travels through the checkpoint on Hwy 90 in SE AZ daily, and I do once a week when I take the kids to homeschool activities. It is very burdensome for me to stand up to these guys, but I do anyway. I just hope and pray that seeing a lady with 4 young kids resisting their interrogations will strike them differently and make them think harder about what they're doing. They may take it more seriously than when my husband does; they think he's just some guy with nothing better to do than give them a hard time. Does Zsuzsanna ever have to drive through checkpoints alone? How does she handle it? It stresses me out being asked how many is in my vehicle and if it is all family- I've been asked these questions, and I feel like I have a responsibility to NOT answer them, but I don't want to deal with their resulting attitudes since I am traveling alone with 4 young kids during my encounters. Do you have any advice for this situation? Anyway, you are making a difference even if you don't feel like it. We encounter BP daily here, and we send the message when the opportunity comes up- (after seeing your videos).

  2. I know it has nothing to do with this post (by the way good for you for standing up against the ss!) but look up this "church" and preach against it. It's straight out of hell.

  3. You realize they're just doing thei jobs... Right?

  4. @Anonymous :"You realize they're just doing thei jobs... Right?"

    So were the Nazi's....and all other dictator's minions

    In actuality, they are not following the Constitution, which rises above all US and State Laws. All police officers, Military men/women, and most likely Border patrol agents swear an Oath to uphold the Constitution FIRST.

    Any questions? Please see:

  5. In unrelated news, a white male was found dead in the desert with traces of cocaine found in his vehicle. Authorities report he was an AlQueda sleeper agent working with the Mexican drug cartel.

  6. Awesome! Good job, Mr. Anderson!!

  7. You deserved every bit of it
