
Friday, March 17, 2017

Most Recent Missions Trip to Guyana & Trinidad and Tobago

“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35

Our most recent missions trip to Guyana proved very fruitful. I was part of a team of nine guys, and we were all just blown away by how receptive people are down there. When we first asked people if they knew for sure they were on their way to heaven, hardly anybody gave the right answer. The people of Guyana love the Bible and are often affiliated with some "Christian" denomination, but they are lost.

Day 1 (February 28, 2017)

A few of the guys got there ahead of us and started winning souls before they picked us up at the airport. They had 16 people saved during that time. On my first day there, we preached the Gospel in two schools and made appointments to preach in several more. The students were very attentive, and hundreds raised their hand and prayed to receive Christ. In addition to that, 73 of the people we dealt with one-on-one that day got saved.

Day 2 (March 1, 2017)

The next day went even better. We preached in several more schools including a large Catholic school where they split us up and had us preach to several separate classes. Thankfully, our guys had sermons ready since we thought I was going to be preaching to the entire student body all at once. Each guy preached two or three different sermons to an average class size of 30-75 students. It seemed like almost every student raised their hand to get saved. At each school, we talked to a lot of students and teachers one on one, and many of them got saved. We also gave out DVDs of our films to the students and teachers at every school we visited.

Day 3 (March 2, 2017)

We returned to preach to the rest of Central High School, a school where we had preached to half of the students the day before. We also stopped by the Catholic school, St. Rose’s, to drop off more USBs and DVDs, and then we headed to Georgetown and did some tourist stuff. We visited the ocean, shopped for souvenirs, and handed out DVDs. People liked that we were missionaries and gathered around to hear what we had to say, resulting in more salvations.

Day 4 (March 3, 2017)

We left Guyana on the fourth morning, but three members of our team stayed behind to preach in more schools. The rest of us flew to Trinidad, where we had 54 people show up for the preaching service. Many of those in attendance were die-hard listeners, but others were just visitors that the listeners had brought. Eleven visitors got saved that evening, and four people were baptized early the next morning.

We would have baptized a lot more, but the hotel was strict about not allowing cotton clothing in the pool, so we were only able to baptize those who had swim trunks. Later that day we went soul winning. We had 15 soul winners out, and eight people got saved. Trinidad wasn’t quite as receptive as Guyana, but the soul winning still went well.

Totals for This Trip

To summarize the whole trip: In four and a half days we preached to 4500 school children. We handed out approximately 7000 DVDS and over 300 flash drives. I baptized four people, and we saw 169 people saved through personal soul winning.

The salvation number of 169 is very conservative and only includes people that we dealt with one-on-one through personal soul-winning, not the school students who heard the Gospel in a large group.  The majority of school students raised their hand and prayed a prayer after hearing the plan of salvation, and if I had to guess, I’d say there were over 1,000 saved, but we are only officially counting those who we were able to deal with on a more personal level. Our goal is to keep returning to Guyana and preach in a total of 111 schools over the next two years. We can potentially reach an entire generation in that country with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

One of the great things about the trip was that several people other than myself got to preach. All of us did a lot of soul winning. My son Solomon won ten people to the Lord on the trip and was excited about the fact that several of them were teenagers around his age. Everyone on the team had an amazing time and gained valuable experience.

Please let me know if you are interested in joining us on a future missions trip. We are going to Malawi, Africa, in April. When it comes to soul-winning, South America and Africa really aren't that different. We are going to the poor people of this world that are receptive to the gospel, and we need more laborers.

“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Here is a video of Peter James preaching at a school in Guyana.


  1. Praise the Lord for such a great work for His kingdom. I will be going to Malawi (already have my travel visa) and cannot wait to be a laborer in the Malawi fields.

  2. Praise the Lord for such a great work for His kingdom. I have my travel visa in hand for the Malawi trip and look forward to being a laborer in the Malawi fields. God willing, I would love to come to Guyana sometime soon, but may be limited to a supporter of such a great work.

  3. He's BACK!!! YIPPPEEE!!! Have so missed your bashing of Dr. Bob!!

  4. I've been letting you know for 2 weeks now without reply :-) I'm booked and waiting to go to Malawi! Can't wait! Greetings from South Africa. You must let me know if I can bring you anything from SA. If anyone else from SA is thinking about it, no visa and you can do this for R10k if you try.
