
Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Truth about Hinduism

I recently uploaded a documentary to YouTube called "The Truth About Hinduism." Coincidently, just as we came out with this documentary, there was a news story about a CNN host eating human brains with the Aghori people, a Hindu group that is discussed in our film. What that CNN guy did was wicked, but I believe God had a hand in the timing of the news story in order to draw more attention to our film.

The Truth About Hinduism not only exposes Hinduism as a Satanic religion, but it also gives a clear presentation of the Gospel. In just six days, it had over 65,000 views until it was suddenly removed by YouTube. You can still watch the full movie here on free of charge. If you didn’t get to see it, I strongly recommend that you watch it while it is still available online. We are also putting it on a DVD, which will be available for free here at Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, starting on Wednesday, March 29, 2017.

If you come to our church, we’ll have the DVDs on the back shelf for you in two different styles of packaging, but if you don’t live in the area, you can order the DVDs from If you buy the DVD in the regular blockbuster case, you’ll also get two additional giveaway-style DVDs in small, cardboard sleeves and shrink wrap. We really hope you will share this documentary with people which is why we are packaging the DVDs this way.

You will basically be getting three DVDs for the price of one. You’ll have one nice DVD to keep on the shelf and a couple of giveaway-style ones that are more convenient to hand out. I produced this film because I love Indian people and want to reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thousands of people have been saved as a result of some of our other documentaries, and hopefully many will be reached with this one.

There are 1.1 billion Hindus in the world, but you hardly ever hear preaching specifically against Hinduism. Not only that, but many of the philosophies of Hinduism have made their way into our American culture, and we need to expose them as unscriptural. I’m hoping that this educational video will inspire Christians to win Hindus to Christ, but hopefully, many Hindus will also watch the film and see that they are in a false religion and need to get saved. The Truth About Hinduism is an interesting film with some shocking information in it that YouTube apparently doesn’t want people to see.

Click here to order the DVDs from


  1. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

    1 Timothy 2:5

  2. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

    1 Timothy 2:5

  3. Off topic but will you please list the songs of piano book 1 1/2 in the ordering description? The song on the others are listed. Thank you

  4. Aghori hindus even have sex with corpses.

  5. Did you know that Christ himself got his religious education in India

  6. Jesus never went to India:

  7. Mr Sanderson, you are putting forward the practices of Aghoris.You see, in every religion, there are the extremes. The main aim of the Aghori people were to minimize killing any living organism for their survival such as we people kill plants and animals and feed on them. These people, they try being non materialistic and feed on already dead organisms and go through deep penance.
    You have this very wrong perception that we worship idols.Idols for us is a mere facet of God himself and we believe he is omnipresent. All these idols you find is the different personification of the one and only PARABRAHMA. What is important to us is not the idols but what the idols are made of, we worship everything that is to do with nature because we believe God created and resides in it.
    Another point i wish to put forward to confirm why we do not worship idols is us immersing those idols during Ganesh Chaturthi. If these idols were god to us, we would never immerse it.It would be Blasphemy. I just want to make you understand that we pray everything related to nature. We meditate to find peace, and the personification of the different idols around give us the ability to have a focus not just be in the void.
    I humbly ask you to try it. Go in the nature far from human intervention. Sit and medidate. And I am not asking you to think about the Hindu God. I ask you to think about Christ.You will feel the difference. You will feel the vibrations within and with the divine soul. Hinduism is not a religion. It is a way of living, the reason why you cannot convert into Hindus, the reason no rules are set in the divine scriptures. The rules of today is just due to fake religious influential leaders who try to take advantage.
    You shouldn't confuse the divinity of Hinduism with the way people have misunderstood and preached it.

    I am not an Aghori but a Hindu with spirituality. Peace to you people of the world.

  8. 1) so why you put flowers and foodstuff near feet of idols?
    2) how stupid are you to immerse a stone thinking that it might get drowned?You said it yourself..." If these idols were god to us, we would never immerse it.It would be Blasphemy."

  9. "...because he is possessed with devils."

    Classic cutaway!

    This was a masterful job Pastor. Hats off on a topic that is talked about very little, which I find very surprising because the Indian diaspora is one of the wealthiest immigrant groups to be found in many countries across the world.

    It was especially gory to witness the A-GORY cannibal practices. But what was most insightful is how Lent (no meat), Ash Wednesday, the INDUS(try) Valley, Sanskrit, the Aryans and the NWO all tie together (though you expounded on this outside the documentary). And The Shack personifies it all.

    I've made it a habit to grab these documentaries off YouTube as soon as you post them and I immediately stick them in flash disks. I have sent this video to my Sikh mechanic.

  10. Hinduism is very dangerous and if Americans fall into its trap they will be doomed
