
Monday, April 17, 2017

A Strategy to Evangelize the Entire World 4: All Nations

"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts 1:8


As our church reproduces itself across America, churches like ours could strategize with each other in the area of foreign missions. Instead of one church supporting a hundred missionaries they know very little about for a ridiculously low amount of money (e.g. $50 per month), each church could pick perhaps four countries to emphasize. They could fully support missionaries to go to those countries and start independent Baptist churches that would carry out steps 1,2, and 3 of the strategy in their area (see previous blog posts).

Missions Trips

Not only do we want to send out full-time missionaries and establish churches in some of our focus countries, but we also want to continue this new style of missions trip where we preach in schools, do door-to-door soul winning, and heavily distribute our audio and video materials. Our church has already carried out missions trips to South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Trinidad, and Guyana, where the Gospel was preached door to door as well as in schools, churches, and other venues. We plan to continue the work in those countries, and we also have a trip to Mexico planned for July of this year.

Start Where it is Receptive, Safe, and Legal

When it comes to foreign missions, we are starting with the countries that are the most receptive and where it is safe and legal to go soul winning. Hopefully, soul winning in those other places will eventually become receptive, safe, and legal, but let’s start with the low-hanging fruit before tackling the harder countries. If God sees us getting the gospel to every person in the receptive areas, don’t you think he’s going to open doors for us in other places too? In the meantime, we are at least reaching some people in those harder to reach countries via the internet.

Internet Ministry

Through YouTube and putting sermons on the internet, we literally have people in every country on earth who listen to the preaching that comes across the pulpit of Faithful Word Baptist Church. We’ve already translated preaching, documentaries, and other materials, into over 115 different languages, which includes every major language in the world. Just one upload on YouTube of Despues de la Tribulacion, the Spanish version of After the Tribulation, has over 10 million views and was shown on TV in Nicaragua multiple times! We’ve also been mentioned in the media in most countries of the world.

Distribution of Audio and Video Materials

Not only are we spreading the Gospel via the internet, but we also send out our DVDs, CDs, and flash drives to foreign countries every week. For example, we've been sending packages of materials to Bro. Richard Symes in the Philippines who has been preaching in schools, soul-winning one-on-one, and consistently getting hundreds of people saved. We also have had our full-time guy in Botswana distributing materials non-stop for the last 6 months

“And the gospel must first be published among all nations.” Mark 13:10

Here is the sermon: A Strategy for Reaching the Entire World with the Gospel.

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