
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

New YouTube Business Cards

Front of the YouTube business cards

A guy by the name of Adam Fannin from Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, designed these really cool little YouTube cards for us. The cards provide our church website address, show how to search for the Bible Way to Heaven video, and also show how to find our three major documentaries, which can be watched for free online.

Each of the following documentaries is very educational plus includes a clear presentation of the Gospel at the end of the film:

After the Tribulation

After the Tribulation is a hard-hitting documentary that proves from the King James Bible that the rapture will take place AFTER the tribulation but before God pours out his wrath upon the earth. The film also exposes Satan’s plan for a global government and a new world orlder. People love anything to do with end times prophecy, and this film debunks the false doctrine being perpetuated in many churches and in movies like Left Behind.

New World Order Bible Versions

New World Order Bible Versions is a compelling documentary that explores the rich textual history of the KJV and exposes the corrupt origins of modern versions. The film goes into the history of the King James Bible and shows how it is consistent with the previous English translations, while the modern versions are dramatically different. The film focuses on how modern perversions are designed to undermine key doctrines and pave the way for a one-world religion.

Marching to Zion

Marching to Zion would be great for a new believer to watch because the beginning of the film provides a 5 minute overview of the entire Old Testament. It then continues the history of the Jewish people from the destruction of the temple in A.D. 70 to the founding of the modern-day nation of Israel in 1948. Biblical evidence, history, and cutting-edge DNA science make this a ground-breaking film. This important documentary answers the question: Who are God’s chosen people?

The new YouTube cards have a nice glossy design and one side of the card is in Spanish.

Back of the YouTube business cards

It is a great tool to hand out to let people know about our films, our website, and most importantly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are making the cards available for free since you will actually be helping the cause of Christ by distributing them. Give them to your friends and family or hand them out when you are out soul winning.

We will be sending out packages of 30, 60, or 100, so just give us your mailing address and let us know how many you need, and we will get some out to you.

Here is our e-mail address where you can order yours today:

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