Saturday, July 14, 2012

Infowars Nightly News


Anonymous said...

They're searching for Dominick Suter

Anonymous said...

Excellent job! I am proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Excellent job! I am proud of you.

Vinny Andreotti said...

Barack Obama's not the problem. It's the Rebublicans in congress and in the state level who draft and pass bill's like Arizona's papers please that infringe on our freedoms.

Anonymous said...

Hello Steven,

If you watch the movie '07 Zeitgeist with 2010 updates at youtube you'll find out that we're already part of the North American Union. It was signed and ratified in 2005. All informalities such as changes of names for states/countries, etc just haven't occurred, yet. The new NAU is much like the EU and there is nothing that you can do about it. You don't really believe that this country-corporation is governed by policy spokespersons do you? You're buying into the propaganda if you do. You're going to end up getting yourself into serious trouble if you don't accept that "what is Caesar's is Caesar's" and stop "belonging to this world." Most people aren't intelligent enough to understand your arguments and even more don't care, Steven. The U.S. experiment has become depraved and is collapsing. The Sheeple are merely interested in being entertained. You are marginalizing yourself and your family as radicals and you will only bring unneeded pain and suffering upon your family if you get into trouble. Be smart. Don't hate. Accept your lot in life and wish others health and happiness. Life is short and hard enough without causing yourself problems. Wouldn't you agree? Bless you and yours.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Its a shame that more people are not able or wanting to stand up for their freedoms like you are. You were very polite to these people and stuck to your guns. If more people would just do that instead of accept these checkpoints due to time constraints, or fear of "marginalization," maybe there will be enough of a lashback to slow these down or eradicate them in some way. My hat is off to you.

Anonymous said...

Great job, I am glad to see there are some Real Americans left, the rest are just sheeple like 1940's Germany.

Anonymous said...

Pastor, what is your opinion of Autism? Does the bible speak of it? I know this question is off topic.

Anonymous said...

Crazy christian or not your okay with me!:)