Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Shyness is No Excuse

“And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,” Ephesians 6:19

The fact that the Apostle Paul had this prayer request means that there is a tendency for us not to want to go soul winning. What we all need is more boldness. To be bold means to be courageous as opposed to timid or shy. I hear people making excuses that they are not a good speaker or not talented, but what it boils down to is shyness, and that’s no excuse not to go soul winning.

There are people in our church who go soul winning consistently every week that are some of the shyest people in the church. They’re effective. They’re doing it every week, and they’re getting person after person saved, making a major difference for the cause of Christ.

One reason you might lack boldness is that some people act like you’re imposing on them. Don’t let that get to you because you aren’t imposing at all. They’re on their way to Hell. You have every right to be there because you are an ambassador for Christ. You were sent there by the God of the universe to try and save them from a deadly disease.

That said, don’t be prideful, arrogant, or obnoxious. You can be bold and still be meek. If they aren’t interested, tell them to have a great day and leave, but the point is that more people will listen to you when you exude confidence. Expect them to be interested, and they just might be.

We all feel shy inside at times, but when you show up at a door acting shy or awkward, it makes the person feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, when you speak up and look people in the eye, it helps them realize you know what you are talking about.

If you are still feeling nervous at every door, you probably don’t go soul winning often enough. The more you do it, the bolder you will become. Anybody can be a soul winner. I’ve seen people stammer and stutter and still get people saved because the Holy Spirit does the work. Those people are going to have great rewards in Heaven, and that could be you, too. Just pray for boldness, and then get out there and do it. Like the Apostle Paul, you too can be a “chosen vessel” used by God.

Here is a sermon called "Getting Started Soul-winning."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nobody ever comes here. My mobility impaired father advertised on the radio and print for a church that would pick him up by van... and some of them had new vans donated to them by the same radio station and none of them would even try. They didn't answer messages he left directly, either. They did not offer to come visit... nothing.

I was it in the end. He called out to the lord, and I witnessed to him as best I could.

He and my mother are in heaven. We don't or not supposed to make judgement but Some others are going to be hearing the "I know them not" blues. It is so written.