Click here to see the actual excerpts from this wicked book!
Note: if anyone wants to repent and be removed from this list, then openly condemn Born that Way Ministries, and I will gladly remove you from the list.
Pastor Mark Agan, 919-742-3968
Community Baptist Church
2575 Hamp Stone Rd.
Siler City, NC 27344
Community Baptist Church
2575 Hamp Stone Rd.
Siler City, NC 27344
Bayou Baptist Church
866 Hwy 139
Monroe, LA 71203
Pastor Paul Caldwell, 479-295-9048
Lighthouse Baptist Church
778 South Happy Hollow Rd.
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Dr. J. Michael Callaghan, 510-233-2556
Arlington Baptist Church
6382 Arlington Blvd
Richmond, CA 94805
Pastor Josh Carter, 360-671-8697
Bellingham Baptist Church
2501 Orleans Street
Bellingham, WA 98226
Dr. Rick Carter, 405-691-6990
Bethaven Baptist Church
12400 South Western Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73170

Pastor Clemon Chapell Jr., 219-845-8059
SonRise Baptist Church
2301 Fairbanks Street
Gary Indiana 46406
Victory Baptist Church
243 Marshall Mill Rd.
Fort Valley, GA 31030
Dr. S.M. Davis, 1-800-500-8853
Solve Family Problems
Pastor Paul Dziadul, 478-474-4842
Lake Wildwood Baptist Church
701 Greentree Pkwy
Macon, GA 31220
Paul Gentry, 360-428-7012
Harvest Baptist Church
16946 Memorial Hwy
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Dr. Bob Gray
Solve Church Problems

Pastor Rob Green, 207-882-6941
Bible Baptist Church
143 Beechnut Hill Rd.
Wiscasset, ME 04578
Preacher Mike Kellet, 318-396-6000
Whites Ferry Rd. Church
3201 North 7th Street
West Monroe, LA 71291
Pastor Dave Koehler, 419-994-1611
Loudonville Baptist Temple
15528 State Rt 3 North
Loudonville, OH 44842
Pastor Chris McPherson, 229-890-1170
Crossview Baptist Church
197 Hopewell Church RD.
Moultrie, GA 31788
Dr. Jeff Owens, 252-633-4220
Twin Rivers Baptist Church
804 US Hwy 70 East
New Bern, NC 28560
Pastor Christian Pennachietti, 215-389-2626
Third Baptist Church
2400 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19145
Pastor Dominic Pennachietti, 215-467-9259
New Greenwich Light Baptist Church
121 West Oregon Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19148

Pastor D. Pennachietti, 215-426-1909
Bethel Baptist Church
2210 East Susquehanna Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19125

Pastor Aaron Rodgerson, 660-665-0050
Southside Baptist Church
1010 West Burton Street
Kirksville, MO 63501
Daniel Southern, 214-810-0418
Pastor Don Thoms, 315-323-1384
Grace Baptist Church
1817 Green Street
Ogdensburg, NY 13669
Dr. James Wilkins, 817-909-8010
New Testament Ministries
Grace Baptist Church
13570 78th Ave.
Surrey, BC V3W 8V3
Pastor Vince Williams, 607-373-5648
Temple Baptist Church
121 Grotsinger Rd.
Norwich, NY 13815
UPDATE: Here is a new inductee to the Sodomite Eunuch Hall of Shame! He just had Nixon come preach at his church 3 times on Sunday, March 5, 2017, and is defending his perverted eunuch doctrine:
Pastor Marty O. Wynn, 706-568-7357
Lighthouse Baptist Church
3641 Norris Road
Columbus, GA 31907
Thanks for letting us know what churches to never go to, God forbid we might bring our families there!
Wow. Eye opening to say the least... You can tell by the looks in their eyes that they are sent from the pits of Pervertville, USA waiting to prey on their next Victims.
Wow. Eye opening to say the least... You can tell by the looks in their eyes that they are sent from the pits of Pervertville, USA waiting to prey on their next Victims.
Pastor Doug Hammett missionary to Botswana also puts his stamp of approval on "Born That Way After All."
Here's a quote from him, "This book was recommended by a friend I respect. But I entered into reading it very skeptical, until I got about 1/4 of the way in.
Mr Nixon has taken hold of a passage that has long perplexed many and given a very plausible interpretation.
Some of his sweeping opinions may not resonate completely, but his foundation is sound. He may just have the answer for many caught in this trap.
This book if very much worth consideration by anyone who is concerned about the subject of homosexuality/lesbianism AND concerned about following Biblical truth at the same time."
That pastel bow tie though! ��
I know what churches not to go to now. I'm glad I'm nowhere near any of the homo sympathizers.
I would like to know if there is proof of this?? If so may I see it.
The proof that the book says those things is provided in the video linked at the top of the post.
The proof that these guys supported this ministry/book and were listed as a "safe place" for perverts is that they were listed on the website on a page that listed their supporting ministries. I copied and pasted their information directly from there, but now Born That Way Ministries has deleted that page from their site.
If you are doubtful about any of them, call and ask them. Like I said, I'll be glad to remove anyone from the list who repents and condemns Born that Way Ministries.
Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. Hab 1:4
This culture club of lukewarm, spineless, half-hearted pussy-footers need to remove themselves from the ministry and from supporting the enemies of Almighty God. It just shows the lack of wisdom and knowledge among the so called IFBs. Hardly independent, more dependent on man's approval than God's approval. Products of the unscriptural bible college the man made institutions guaranteed to reproduce promoters of false doctrines. many endorsers it's perplexing...I hope they are in the ignorant sheep category vs the supportive one. YIKES!
I can't believe pastors believe in this perversivity
I can't believe pastors believe in this perversivity R.A Guyana
Pastor Anderson, You've got one on there that Born that way Ministries lied about.
This guy:
Pastor Bob Buchanan, 225-272-5592
Central Baptist Church
17017 Florida Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70819
Here's the proof email he sent me in my email campaign:
I appreciate your e-mail. I am not having Bob Gray Sr. I am having his son. I would never have Bob Gray Sr. for several reasons.
I do agree with you about "born that way ministries" they are calling sodomites Spiritual eunuchs. they are wrong.. I have researched Jonnies work and he misuses scripture for his gain.
Bob Gray Jr is at odds with his dad, and he does not agree with the "born that way ministry".
Thank you for your concern, and truth telling.
yours for Christ,
Pastor Bob Buchanan,
Central Baptist Church.
Hirelings?, wolves in sheeps clothing or no backbone?
I am telling you guys, these so-called pastors are NOT saved. I do not believe that a truly saved person can be tricked into believing this nonsense. Also, what are the odds that the 3 Pennachietti family members all agree with this crap? There is a hidden agenda here folks.
I believe that these are all SODOMITES that lust for mean and children. They are nasty and all deserve Leviticus 20:13.
Thanks, Collin! I removed Pastor Bob Buchanan from the list.
Johnny Nixon's church is having a teen camp event. On their website, there is a flyer for the event. One of the guys listed is a hardcore works salvation, Calvinist teacher named Billy Sampson. There is another guy on that flyer that is an Assemblies of God pastor. Can Bob gray please tell us how Johnny Nixon fits in with independent baptist fundamentalism?
Kenny Baldwin has preached at my church and one other ifb in the area this year.
You removed Kenny Baldwin from the list?
If you look at the faith statements of each of these churches, you will notice that almost all of them are explicitly pre-trib.
Not all fake churches are pre-trib. The Full Gospel Church denomination is post-trib pre-wrath. They're also heavy on repenting of sin to be saved.
@ Anonymous [February 19, 2017 at 8:25 AM]
Full Gospel is easy to decipher for most of us.
We're talking about pre-trib IFB(!) here. The ones who "ought to know better."
Many of the names on this list are "gilt-edged" IFB, which explains the WJW-type comments.
The pre-trib correlation factor IS a significant tell, as is repent of your sins obviously as you say.
What is sad is that many of these pastors lead baptist churches. Its very hard to find a kjv only baptist church that denounces the repent of your sins heresy. Everybody want to be inlvolved with the southern baptist convention or something like that.
I agrew
There might be another explanation for this.
Some health studies have shown a rapid drop in blood testosterone levels across the modern world. Your average 20 year-old male today has about the same testosterone level as his great grandfather had at a grizzly 65, hence today's skinny jeans culture.
Look at Johnny Nixon's smooth, round-faced mugshot and those of his endorsers. Does any of the men pictured above seem to have been capable of Psalm 18:34 (KJV) or 2 Samuel 22:35 (KJV) at one time in their lives? Highly unlikely. Some few of the FWBC men might have way higher "test" scores than Johnny Nixon and friends, but many IFB college products are sadly the opposite.
I believe one simple way to combat the Born This Way After All menace is to preach hard on being "hard" -- that is, for men to live tough, strong, courageous and have a fighting spirit (Psalm 144:1, KJV), rather than living soft, pacified lives. This ought to raise "test" scores of the upcoming generation of males, helping them to grow more chiseled looks and personalities that their wives and children can depend on for leadership, provision and protection.
I am encouraged by Pastor Anderson's example. He grows out his beard like a man, belts out hairy-legged sermons three times a week, speaks with a voice like a trumpet, is the husband of a righteous woman and a father of many obedient children, works out like an apostle in a Roman dungeon (thereby putting the former effeminate-in-chief to shame) to shame, and takes on all comers with a righteous fighting spirit whether it be the State (Border Patrol, South Africa), media or sodophiles. He may find that as a result of his lifestyle his "test" scores have skyrocketed from his Hyles-Anderson College days and that this is a primary reason why his church is effective.
If all IFB leaders followed this model, the Johnny Nixon's of this world would be banished to the outer darkness.
The photo of pastor Steven white from grace baptist church in Surrey, BC is incorrect. I live In the area and have seen him myself! You can find his picture at the top of this site
Those filthy people should rot in hell.
Jeff Owens is not a supporter of the book or Nixon. I talked to him yesterday.
Hi Pastor Thompson,
Jeff Owens was publicly listed on Nixon's website as one of their supporters. I will be glad to remove him from this list if he will make a public statement that he doesn't support the book or Nixon.
You can add Rick Carter's lap-dog Kent Gossmeyer ("missionary" to England) to your list. I thought it strange when he preached on eunuchs, but he did not expound the heresy completely and left the subject hanging. I had previously stated to him that I believed a homosexual disposition was, as stated in Romans 1, a judgement from God for the rejection of Him as Creator God, and not long after that he preached his sermon on eunuchs.
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