"In the film, Dr. Kent Hovind denounces the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Kent Hovind is wrong about a Young Earth and he's wrong about the Rapture. The Bible teaches an Old Earth. Dinosaurs never co-existed amongst mankind."This should tell you everything you need to know about David Stewart, the man behind the website jesus-is-savior.com. He believes that the earth is billions of years old! Instead of the Bible being his final authority, he twists the words of the Bible to make them match up with the "science falsely so-called" of our day.
"By itself, Matthew 24 would seem to indicate a Post-Tribulation Rapture, but if you study the Greek, it teaches a Pre-Tribulation Rapture."You should always beware of any doctrine that requires you to "go back to the Greek" in order to understand it. Using a foreign language that most people do not understand is always a good way to deceive people since most people will have no idea whether or not what you are saying is true. In another article on his website, he "goes back to the Hebrew" to change what the Bible says in Genesis 1:2 in order to promote his belief that the world is billions of years old. He says that the "and" at the beginning of verse 2 is actually "but" in the original Hebrew. In reality, the Hebrew word used for "and" at the beginning of Genesis 1:2 is the same Hebrew word used for "and" that begins 29 of the 31 verses in Genesis 1. The King James Version is right, and David Stewart, who obviously doesn't know any Hebrew, is just repeating a lie that he heard from someone else.
"Pastor Anderson claims that there's not one verse anywhere in the Bible which teaches a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. As I showed you earlier, there are indeed Scriptures in the Bible from which this important doctrine is inferred."Here, Stewart is basically admitting that there is not one verse in the Bible that teaches the pre-tribulation rapture. It is a doctrine that has to be "inferred" from certain scriptures. The word "infer" means to hint, imply, or suggest. We should always base what we believe about major Biblical doctrines on what the Bible clearly states, not what we think that the Bible may be implying.
"Watch Steven Anderson's video AFTER THE TRIBULATION and you'll notice that he TOTALLY avoids the Old Testament, because he hasn't studied."Actually, we just didn't have time to go into the Old Testament because the movie is less than two hours long, and it took long enough to go through the most important New Testament scriptures. It should be obvious that the New Testament scriptures on the second coming of Jesus Christ are more clear than the Old Testament.
He claims I avoid the Old Testament because "I haven't studied." I guess he isn't aware of the 22 Hour Revelation series that was released a few months ago which covers hundreds of Old Testament scriptures and deals with ALL of the subjects he accuses me of avoiding in this article. There is only so much that can be covered in a movie that is less than 2 hours long!
"I am quite surprised how shallow Pastor Anderson's presentation is, totally disregarding the entire Old Testament."Apparently, Stewart thinks that examining scores of New Testament scriptures is "shallow." Does he think that the Old Testament is somehow deeper than the New Testament? I defy anyone to find a Bible prophecy film that uses more Bible verses in less than 2 hours. However, since they all come from the New Testament, the film is accused of being "shallow."
If you need any more evidence of how ridiculous David Stewart's views on Bible prophecy are, click here for his #1 most ridiculous argument for a pre-tribulation rapture. It provides more evidence of his Greek/Hebrew ignorance, even as he abuses these languages to pervert what the KJV clearly and accurately states.
After watching your scripture-saturated film, it's really clear that the only way a person can believe in a Pre-Trib rapture is from listening to someone who is "repeating a lie that he heard from someone else." You could never come to the Pre-Trib conclusion from the Bible itself.
Re: The article you linked to by David Stewart about the "falling away"..."Ridiculous" is putting it mildly; it's the most egregious example of a "straw man" I've ever encountered.
Keep up the great work!
What an idiot! His argument that you didn't go into the Old Testament is ridiculous. As soon as I was saved at 14 years old I knew there was something wrong with the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. Been studying biblical prophecy from both the old and new testament and I can attest that your film hits it right on the nail without even a hint of doubt. These people are so ridiculous and I think it's because they're not even saved. People always say they go to modern versions because they can't understand the King James. They can't understand it because they are spiritually discerned, but they can understand the Satanic modern versions with all of their false doctrines. Keep up the good work Pastor Anderson.
I used to listen to david Stewart because he preached king James onlyism but this is not the only thing he has wrong. Just look at some of the works salvation and ecumenical preachers he supports on the website.
You have to be careful. I recently went to an independent, fundamental, King James only church and the pastor was preaching pre-tribulation rapture. I had a meeting with him and sat there defeating every single argument he had. After he just smiled and said "I just know it's before the tribulation". As far as I am concerned that man was mislead, he was a flat out liar or not even saved. I have reached a point where I am no longer being nice about this. If someone is presented with all of the mountains of evidence that prove exactly what the bible is saying and you still follow the pre-trib position, I call that person a liar. It may not be very nice, but I call them like I see them. I'm tired of people being lied to, it's time for more pastors to step up to the plate and preach the truth! No excuses!
Sherm Cohen that is so awesome you actually went and watched the film and came into agreement with the Holy Word, that is very encouraging that not everyone will just blow this issue off thinking they couldn't possibly have been lied to their whole life. You are a good berean seeking the truth, and I pray the Lord blesses you and all who love truth enough to do the same.
Good post. Loved the film. We used to be pre-trib years ago. We heard your preaching and studied for ourselves and found out how wrong we had been. So thankful for your preaching Pastor A. Forever grateful, keep it up! Oh, and pack yourselves up and get over here! Haha!
Bro. Steven,
I am glad you responded to David Stewart's attacks against your movie After the Tribulation. If you really want to understand Mr. Stewart, just go to his website and see how he idolizes Jack Hyles. They should actually call his website Jack Hyles is Lord.com. If he had any kind of courage he will open up his articles to criticism and evaluation. It just pretty much reveals that he knows how weak most of assertions are. If the King James doesn't teach what He wants it to, He goes to the Greek and Hebrew all the while put himself forward as a defender of the KJV. I always find it hilarious that someone with such a minimal understanding of Greek and Hebrew thinks they can correct the KJV with the definitions found in the Strong's Concordance. Its a howl! What arrogance it is to think that you can correct the godly scholarship of the KJV translaters with your Strong's or Young's Concordance. The KJV translaters have forgotten more Greek and Hebrew than Mr. Stewart knows. One of the KJV translators could read and write in Hebrew by the time he was six. Anyway Mr. Stewart's criticisms of your video are pretty much worthless. I have read many articles from his website over the last ten years and realized he needs to stop nursing off the breast of Jack Hyles, Max Younce, Danny Castle and C.I. Scofield and study the Bible for Himself.
Bro. Steven, don't let the haters get you down, most of them are man followers rather than Bible believers.
Bro. Chris.
Haters gonna hate!
Haters gonna hate.
Im torn on the subject of the timing of the rapture. The arguement starts with Matt.24,Luke 21.. the post trib stance considers these scriptures to speak of the rapture being spoken of in these scriptures and they stand firm that these discoarses are not refering to Christ coming on a white horse in rev.19. But the pretrib stance finds evidence of Matt.24 speaking of the events of rev.19 i can see an element in matt.24 and rev.19. They both speak of the fowls of the air "were the carcass is there will the Eagles be gathered together" we do see this referenced in rev.19.
I'm torn i need to pray that The Lord reveals this to me.
I highly recommend taking a look at the Revelation series on the Faithful Word Baptist Church youtube account. The problem with end times prophecy is that it is just filled with tons of lies all over. That is how false doctrines work, they don't twist one or two scriptures in a big way, they do little tiny twists to tons of scriptures in order to form a big lie. I have been reading Revelation since I was 14 and over my life I have gained a lot of knowledge on each different part. It is important for people to have an understanding of the whole book. Trust me, go through all of the chapters in the Revelation series and it will become clear to you. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4oPLNtP6_ec2ac_ZsujgtcjoPNBwVFET
Sir, need some advice of Biblical wisdom relating to a local church. I have been seeking for awhile for a local church. None around my area of close. I searched of some that are hours away , still none. I found a fundamentalist Baptist Church of long distant away. Sir they believe in pri tribulation, that any moment the Lord will be coming soon. KJV Bible, soul winning once a week every Saturday. Besides that , that is all the truth of GODS WORD I see/ Sir, preaching and teaching on sin, very weak in that area. Many areas of the Bible not read / taught; especially of Sodomites and so much more within the Bible. That is the closes of all local church I am able to find of preaching and teaching the Word of God. It is very difficult. When I do visit of Baptist Church, all are very worldly, weak, watered down, no soul winning, not all KJV. Mostly NIV, ESV, INV. What wise Biblical advise could you help me with sir. Please know the wisdom is most needed. Blessings'
Sir, I written about seeking a local church/and having difficulty finding of one local Biblical, KJV, soul winning, preaching / teaching of the whole truth of Jesus Christ. I spelled wrongly of English words. As for example pri tribulation, should be pre tribulation, explaining that this fundamentalist Baptist church believes in pre tribulation. I apologize of any other wrong spellings. Praying understanding of the note I written to you. Blessings. Thank you. Please sir, I ask seriously for wisdom of Biblical help on this issue. When ever you are able in your time sir. I continue to pray for guidance through Jesus Christ. ty.
I appreciated this film and the other teachings that were available on this subject by Pastor Anderson. It has revolutionized my studying of prophecy, and cleared up many issues for me. I had previously had been unsure of what to believe on the end times.
One thing that may help people in the pre-trib camp is understanding that tribulation and wrath are different things serving different purposes. Believers are subject to tribulation, but not to God's wrath. If you can get that far, you will do well.
Thanks again, sir.
You pastor Steven Anderson you teach doctrinal heresies the bible speak of Pre trib rapture you are under false doctrine post trib rapture is lie from pits of hellfire and satan
God bless Pastor Anderson. keep up the good work. the bible stands true and they know it.
I've listened to dozens of your sermons on your website (faithfulwordbaptist.org). I was also a pre-tribber, but it became apparent to me, that when you strip away all the conjecture and inferences, what you have left is no scriptures that support a pre-trib rapture. With a pre-wrath rapture, everything lines up perfectly and the scriptures are perfectly synchronized, revealing the simple Truth.
God Bless You Pastor Anderson, I really enjoy your sermons.
No compromise.
Pastor Steve Anderson,
I truly do appreciate what you're doing in terms of soul-winning, and I do thank God for you. However, I find it quite odd that you can come to the conclusion of the "post-tribulational rapture" of the Church in your study of God's Word. Yes there is indeed a "post-tribulational rapture" but it's not of the Church, but of Tribulation Saints, The Two Witnesses, and Israel.
Consider these Scriptures yourself and you will find awe-inspiring harmony between ALL Scriptures, not just a "pre-trib" or a "post-trib" belief.
**Resurrection of the saved in three stages**
Israel was taught to harvest their crops in three stages
(1) Firstfruits (Tithe)
(2) Main harvest
(3) The gleaning for the poor
The Resurrection of the saved will mirror this type picture exactly
(1) Christ the firstfruits
(2) Main resurrection of the saved at The Rapture of The Church (Pre-Trib)
(3) Gleaning of those saved during the Tribulation, Israelites and The Two Witnesses prior to The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ (Post-Tribulational Rapture)
- Scriptures on the order of the harvest
Leviticus 23:2, 10, 22
- Scriptures that show the Resurrection of the saved are in stages
Mark 4:26, 28-29
1 Corinthians 15:22-24
Luke 12:35-40 (The Lord Speaks of a Second Watch and a Third Watch, and returning from The Wedding with His Bride, The Church)
Matthew 24:40-51 (In contextual harmony with Luke 12:35-40, but notice that the servants can LOSE THEIR SALVATION, which contradicts Ephesians 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5 and all Verses that Show Eternal Security, which you yourself believe and preach)
Revelation 20:4 (These saints, through inference, can LOSE THEIR SALVATION if they worshipped the beast or his image, or received his mark)
- Scriptures that show the Israelites are part of the gleaning
Jeremiah 8:20
Hosea 6:11
Amos 8:1-2
God Is NOT the Author of confusion, and EVERYTHING in His Word Fits together like a Masterpiece when you rightly divide it (2 Timothy 2:15)
Now I know that it will be REALLY DIFFICULT for you to admit that what you've believed and taught all these years was wrong, but hey I would rather please God than to hold on to my pride and the praise of men. You, my brother, are in a position of great trust and responsibility, and I would hate for The Lord To Rebuke you at The Judgment Seat Of Christ. I'd take a whipping here over a whipping up there ANY DAY!
God Bless His Work and His Ministry Done through you!
Pastor Steve Anderson,
I truly do appreciate what you're doing in terms of soul-winning, and I do thank God for you. However, I find it quite odd that you can come to the conclusion of the "post-tribulational rapture" of the Church in your study of God's Word. Yes there is indeed a "post-tribulational rapture" but it's not of the Church, but of Tribulation Saints, The Two Witnesses, and Israel.
Consider these Scriptures yourself and you will find awe-inspiring harmony between ALL Scriptures, not just a "pre-trib" or a "post-trib" belief.
**Resurrection of the saved in three stages**
Israel was taught to harvest their crops in three stages
(1) Firstfruits (Tithe)
(2) Main harvest
(3) The gleaning for the poor
The Resurrection of the saved will mirror this type picture exactly
(1) Christ the firstfruits
(2) Main resurrection of the saved at The Rapture of The Church (Pre-Trib)
(3) Gleaning of those saved during the Tribulation, Israelites and The Two Witnesses prior to The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ (Post-Tribulational Rapture)
- Scriptures on the order of the harvest
Leviticus 23:2, 10, 22
- Scriptures that show the Resurrection of the saved are in stages
Mark 4:26, 28-29
1 Corinthians 15:22-24
Luke 12:35-40 (The Lord Speaks of a Second Watch and a Third Watch, and returning from The Wedding with His Bride, The Church)
Matthew 24:40-51 (In contextual harmony with Luke 12:35-40, but notice that the servants can LOSE THEIR SALVATION, which contradicts Ephesians 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5 and all Verses that Show Eternal Security, which you yourself believe and preach)
Revelation 20:4 (These saints, through inference, can LOSE THEIR SALVATION if they worshipped the beast or his image, or received his mark)
- Scriptures that show the Israelites are part of the gleaning
Jeremiah 8:20
Hosea 6:11
Amos 8:1-2
God Is NOT the Author of confusion, and EVERYTHING in His Word Fits together like a Masterpiece when you rightly divide it (2 Timothy 2:15)
Now I know that it will be REALLY DIFFICULT for you to admit that what you've believed and taught all these years was wrong, but hey I would rather please God than to hold on to my pride and the praise of men. You, my brother, are in a position of great trust and responsibility, and I would hate for The Lord To Rebuke you at The Judgment Seat Of Christ. I'd take a whipping here over a whipping up there ANY DAY!
God Bless His Work and His Ministry Done through you!
No prob! enjoy the tribulation.. but we're otta here before that!
Neither the pre-tribbers nor post -tribbers have a clear 100% guaranteed position.
If we get into the tribulation and there has been no rapture – what will that do to your faith? I know what it will do for me. It will change nothing except that I was wrong and now need to change that position. My faith will remain strong, as it has been. Faith should be built on our Lord alone and not on the pre or post trib position.
I find it ironic that a KJVO site would suggest to "go back to the Greek". What resources would one use to make an assessment? Lexicons are written by the same types who came up up with the new critical Greek text. The main benefit of being KJVO is that the KJV translators are infitintely more trustworthy than the "magisterium" of infidel scholars who do not even hold to inerrancy.
I have always wanted to study all the positions on the resurrections found in scripture and come to my own conclusions and change my position if I saw need to. I have always been pretty much pre-trib most of my life, but I am not too proud and would allow others who seemed to have deeper insights which I have not considered before to give their evidence and to consider their findings.
I think however there is too much name-calling and strife in the discussion at some points where I think pride takes over and ruins the discussion. Words like "warped", "frauds", "heretics"--that kind of stuff ruins the dialouge.
Also, I was a little disappointed in the method used to present the Mid-7 year rapture. The sermon style approach was very distracting. I had to stop the the DVD and go back to get exactly what was being stated and cut through all the hype. Sometimes I sensed this was done on purpose to avoid certain aspects of a portion of scripture that might injure the Mid-point view. A great deal fo time was spent about the "white robes" of the four and twenty elders and little mention of the more convincing aspects of their description. Yes, "white robes" are given to the "souls" under the alter in "5th seal", but no mention to the fact that "resurrected" saints wear white apparel also. Since this is true, the other details such as "crowns of gold" and sitting on "seats" (horrors! I went to check the Greek) and the seats are "thrones" contradicted pastor anderson's interpretation as to "who" these 4 and twenty "elders" are! I could not find any "souls" (spirits) anywhere in scripture who wear "crowns of gold" and sit on "thrones" wearing "white" apparel. Paul states in 2 Timothy 4:8 that the only ones to be "crowned", including himself could not wear them UNTIL THAT DAY of "His appearing". That can only speak of the rapture! I think pastor anderson blew it here in his identification of the 4 and twenty elders. They have been judged, rewarded, sitting on thrones. Futher description of them is found in the NEW SONG they sang, being "redeemed" out of every trbe nation and tougue. Now there are probably 6-to 7,000 tongues and kindreds and tribes that exist today on earth, which would make 24 elders a symbolic numeration as being representative rather than exact!
This aspect alone throws a critical mass upon the pre-trib score sheet in my opinion which seems to upset the Mid-way 7 year view to a large extent.
Another area was the hype about the trumpets and vials "lining up perfectly". Throughout the sermons I kept hearing how these "judgments" happene at "the exact same time". I did not count how may time pastor anderson mentioned this, but he definitely built this up to be a BIG CONVINCER. However this again was very disappointing as the very first trumpet and very first vial did not match at all! The only "correlation" mr. anderson could come up with was that the 2 judgments were "ON THE EARTH"! LOL!
By and large I found his "sermons" not as convincing as I had hoped. Inspite of the theatrics, and rabid, name calling, the substance was not convincing enough abort any other view in my opinion.
I thought the movie was awesome and very well done. And I always had a problem of those the refer to the Greek and I might add that they spell saviour wrong the word has 7 letters not 6.
I used to be a pre-trib believer since I was a kid because that was what we were taught with. Until recently my small group tackled revelation and the coming of Jesus. Our teacher was trying to link Daniel and revelation. I was puzzled as I started to study on my own. I could not see why Rev.4:1 talks about the rapture when it clearly doesn't say about it, and also why they are teaching that 1cor 15:52 is a different trumpet from the last trumpet in rev. I believe it was the work of the Holy Spirit to lead me to the verses and the website where I was glad that I was not alone. I am now 38 and I still could not believe that for so long the churches are teaching lies. What makes it sad is they won't accept the verses that I defended for reasons that obviously are based on assumptions.
Thank you! When Holy Spirit speaks I have come to noticei am left with this wonder feeling ofa breath of fresh air. I just got one reading your post. He always leaves me feeling Casi calm and refreshed. And yes,like all the pieces fit perfectly and an assurance that all will be well. Thank youGod!
After reading here, I would approach your pastor to ask if he would discuss the difference between the time line of tribulation, or persecution of God's people and God's wrath.
Americans remove whatever letters they choose while still using the basics of English. It often fits with their refusal to speak English but have developed a stunted accent in their bastardized version. The u in ou is a very common example of a sound they do not reproduce and the o by itself is actually the way they pronounce
Shows how truly wrong he is. he referred to Kent Hovind as "Dr". A title Hovind certainly has not earned and has no right to use.
Pastor Anderson is correct. He has a true gift from God that is allowing him to reach innumerable people with accurate doctrine. He also has the unmitigated courage to preach what the Bible says regardless as to how removed it is from American cultural "values" aka Babylonian values. I suspect that he has no idea how many people he and his church are helping come to a much better understanding of God's Word. Vaya Con Dios Pastor Anderson.
Bless you Pastor Anderson, for peeling back the layers of lies and deception. And no wonder so many people are confused. God himself tells us Satan deceiveth the whole world (Present Tense).
I pray you are able to continue in this important ministry. Your online presence is bringing the truth of the Gospel of Jesus to all nations. It is important that all your fellow-servants in Christ give links to your videos to people that they might believe, be saved, or to strengthen their faith.
God bless you, your family, and your congregation.
The odd thing is that a post-trib, pre-wrath interpretation will prepare Christians for the coming persecution, whereas, a pre-trib interpretation leaves Christians unprepared. If a Pastor is not 100% convinced which way to go, why would that Pastor choose to be pre-trib??? If you are not sure whether a dog will bite, would you send your child over to it? Not if you are a loving parent.
Even setting aside all the scriptural references (which should be sufficient to end the analysis) I find it odd that any Pastor can read the complete Bible and believe that all modern Christians will just get a pass from Tribulation. It flies in the face of what some Christians are experiencing worldwide today. Try starting a church in China and see how long you will be alive. It has happened all along too... just not in recent America. In the OT era, Moses did not even get to the promised land and the sins of David/Solomon destroyed Israel... in the NT era Paul and all the disciples except John were killed... and then 2,000 years of persecution of Christians.
But Joe American Christian and his wife can go to lame church on Sunday with their 2.2 kids, pop birth control pills, watch TV all day, idolized possessions, send their kids off to be brainwashed by a school, not acknowledge much less defend the Lord in any context, barely demonstrate any of their so-called "belief"... but then be spared from the tribulation? Why?
End rant.
I love Jesus is Savior website and I love pastor Anderson they both teach easy believism and they are both saved. There is a rapture before Jesus pours out his wrath for sure but maybe there is one before the tribulation too. I hope so, but if not it's Gods will be done. Thank you to both parties your definitely both going to heaven.
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