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Sam Gipp |
Well it looks like Sam Gipp and Keith Gomez are planning a conference all about fighting yours truly. Many preachers across America have recently expressed appreciation for the preaching and soul-winning being done by our church and other churches in our movement, but as usual, a few are envious. In this case, one is a hyper-dispensationalist and the other pushes "repent of your sins" salvation.
The following is copied and pasted from an e-mail forwarded to me by another pastor:
The Bible Answer to Post-Trib: Presented by Dr. Sam Gipp
The doctrine of a pretribulational rapture has been under attack recently by a pastor in Arizona, Steven Anderson.
Many pastors across the nation have voiced their concern over this issue...some have lost church members as a result of this doctrinal error.
I am aware of even some young preachers who are falling for Anderson's false teaching.
You may not think your church is being influenced by this heresy...but it is!
On May 8-10, 2017 (Monday-Wednesday), Dr. Sam Gipp will be presenting the Bible Answer to Post-Trib Theology.
I encourage you to attend this much needed and requested meeting in just a few weeks.
Morning sessions: 9AM to 12PM at the campus of Providence Baptist College (345 W River Rd, Elgin, IL 60123).
Evening sessions: 7PM at Northwest Bible Baptist Church (9N889 Nesler Rd, Elgin, IL 60124).
Issues being addressed: Post-tribulation rapture, replacement theology and anti-dispensationalism
The evening sessions will be live streamed and also recorded. You can request your free copy in advance by replying to this email.
Dr. Keith Gomez
Northwest Bible Baptist Church (Elgin, IL)
Complimentary lodging at PBC is available on a limited basis for pastors (and spouses) attending this meeting. Reply to this email by May 1 to request a room.
I couldn’t find anything about this meeting online, but apparently, this e-mail was sent out to pastors in their circle and in their geographic area. It’s on their church’s calendar simply as “Evangelist Sam Gipp,” so I guess they don't want people in our movement to get wind of it and show up at the conference or participate in the live stream.
I guarantee that the conference is going to backfire. Most independent fundamental Baptist pastors (even the ones who are dispensational) do not believe in the radical hyper-dispensationalism taught by Sam Gipp. Anyone at the conference who is actually saved and indwelled by the Holy Spirit is not going to fall for Gipp's "multiple Gospel" garbage (i.e. that Jesus taught a different Gospel than Paul, etc). After listening to 4 hours per day of Gipp's teachings on dispensationalism, many of them will never want anything to do with him again. Most IFBs don't realize how radical and heretical he is on these subjects. In our film, Marching to Zion, we even documented him saying that Jesus is not his Messiah!
Not only that, but "Doctor" Sam Gipp is one of the least intelligent preachers I have ever heard. Why would Keith Gomez pick the dumbest possible preacher to defend this doctrine? At least Sam Gipp's mentor Peter Ruckman (also a heretic) was extremely intelligent. Sam Gipp is like Peter Ruckman without the brains. Talk about the worst of both worlds! In a typical one hour sermon from Gipp, he puts his foot in his mouth about 10 times. This video provides a small sample of his intellectual deficit:
The bottom line is that I believe that this wicked conference will backfire, and that it will ultimately be used for God's glory by exposing more people to the truths found in After the Tribulation and Marching to Zion. Once any saved pastor delves into the issues surrounding Israel, the tribulation, the rapture, etc, he is going to come to the same conclusions that we have because we all have the same Bible and the same Holy Spirit. I welcome the controversy because at least pastors will start digging into the Bible and getting to the bottom of these subjects. If they are sincere, the Holy Ghost will guide them into all truth.
Went off Sam Gibbs when he did that stupid video with all those kids toys. God bless you Pastor Anderson on all you do brother.
Sam Gimp is acting like an envious, pathetic little girl. Keep Preaching the Truth hard in love Pastor Anderson!
You cant defend a pretrib rapture without telling flat out lies.
I dont understand how someone can say they have the KJV as their source of final authority and still believe in pretrib nonsense.
Sam Gipp. Hmm...Didn't Mr. Rogers Die?
Anyway, on a more serious note. Sam Gipp is a reprobate. Sorry if that's not very Christian of me, but people like this man are WILLFULLY ignorant.
Sam Gipp just comes off like an older Bryan Denlinger. He's so dispensational that he might as well be a jew. His real name is probably Sam Gippstein!
Amen Pastor Anderson!!
Win, win! He'll expose himself more as a false teacher and then they'll just have to read their bibles more :)
Strange... Can't express himself logically in written form... How's he gonna go on stage with his lies and false doctrine?
Gomez looks like he needs to repent of gluttony.
It's sad that so much energy is wasted for such garbage. May God do marvelous works and declare His glory.
"You may not think your church is being influenced by this heresy...but it is! " LOL.Praise the Lord, that's awesome :D
What a gippstick!
Pastor Anderson, I remember a sermon you did a long time ago where you had heard Sam Gipp call you a babe in Christ or something like that, still being a relatively new pastor when you were refuting him on his "Jesus wasn't his messiah" I think. You went on to say that he must be a spiritual fetus because he wasn't even a pastor. That was one of the best laughs I'd had in a long time, sir. He is a fool.
And again, I want to publicly thank you for setting me straight on dispensationalism, Zionism, how to reconcile James 2, confusion about what repentance means (how to refute repent of your sins to be saved), how to refute Calvinism. This came from preaching on these subjects, but most importantly in your sermons about reading my Bible cover to cover over and over again. Because of you, I am a successful door to door, confrontational soul winner. I thank God for you often, sir.
It will just help expose his false teachings and bring more people to watching your videos. It reminds me of John 16:1-4 about how Jesus says that they think they do God a service. God bless and keep up the good work!
John 16Authorized (King James) Version
16 These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. 2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. 3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. 4 But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.
To think I sat through his 24hour KJB seminar. Fool me once Sam Gipp, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
And please stop calling yourself Dr, retirement long overdue.
Will you be debating in person?
Pastor Anderson, you should show up and sit in the audience. That would be a riot... lol
Well, you are going aren't you? You'd be the special guest. I think you should go. Sit in the front row.
Well if it's true I will be there. GIPP is a tard, should be interesting.
What's interesting is that Jesus said that no man knows the hour that He will come back, He says He will come as a thief in the night. That's not possible if it's post trib, because we know when the trib starts and how long it will take to end. If it was post trib we would know when He's coming back and it wouldn't be as a thief in the night.
1Th 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
1Th 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
1Th 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
What does that last verse say, anon?
There's retard, there's full retard, and then there's Sam Gipp. Still, his idiocy serves at least one purpose - I used to listen to his stuff, and when a friend (who ironically hates Pastor Anderson) shared the 1-minute soundbite of Gipp denying Jesus as Messiah, I got the 90min sermon to verify - which had Pastor Anderson's notes on the video - and I saw him dedicate 90min of people's church time to ad-hominem attacks, he imploded as his total stupidity came to a head. And yes he definitely denied Jesus as his Messiah. After that I started downloading Pastor Anderson's sermons and the rest is history...
So this whole "KJV expert" thing - it's a lie, an image he's created for himself to have people think he's awesome - people fall for it (I did). He is no expert, he is a village idiot.
See the FULL sermon here, where Sam Gipp denies Jesus Christ as his Messiah, and turns into a blithering idiot:
God bless from afar!
I was very disheartened to hear you call a pastor "dumb"!? Regardless of your differences in beliefs, Sam Gipp is a preacher of the Bible and I was always taught to never, ever degrade a preacher! I always wonder with people such as yourself, how you have the time to be on social media blasting everyone when there's clearly much work to be done for Jesus. Spending time criticizing and degrading fellow pastors doesn't seem like a good use of the time God has given you as a pastor of a church. I am a pastors wife and my husband is busy making visits, spending time with church folks, preparing messages and taking care of his family. There is no time to be on social media trying to rock the boat and write endless articles about how "dumb" preachers are and how wicked certain conferences are! These statements you make are very prideful
Anonymous, are you joking??? You actually are on here telling me that I am "spending time criticizing and degrading fellow pastors." THEY ARE HAVING A 3 DAY CONFERENCE CRITICIZING AND DEGRADING ME FOR 4 HOURS PER DAY. I write one blog post, and you accuse me of "wasting time" and writing "endless articles." Wow, you are a total hypocrite! Have you called Keith Gomez and told him not to "waste time" with this conference that is all about "blasting" another preacher? Have you rebuked Sam Gipp? Or is only wrong when I "waste time" writing one short blog post?
It isn't my fault that Sam Gipp is semi-retarded. There are lots of pastors whom I disagree with that are smart men, but he isn't one of them. He is a wicked false prophet (not a "fellow pastor" or "brother in Christ,") but he also happens to be mentally changed.
By the way, the Pope is an antichrist! Is that okay, or does that also count as "degrading a preacher"? If anyone preaches another Gospel, let them be accursed!
They are not not Having Conference to attack You Mr.Andersnake . Instead they are attacking The heresy of Post -Tribulation Rapture of Church . Are you saying that Attacking PoSt trib rapture is attacking you? In that case do you agree that you have popularised this heresy and not many believed this Heresy before? Stop Your lies
David Mark said, "They are not having a conference to attack you."
Maybe you should go back and read the post again. This is the first sentence from the advertisement for the conference they sent out:
"The doctrine of a pretribulational rapture has been under attack recently by a pastor in Arizona, Steven Anderson."
Sam Gipp's grammar reminds me of the "organic FEED" guy
Well Gipp's message tonight was a joke. He definitely didn't prove anything, well let me take that back, he did prove he is an idiot. He told more stories than anyyhing. He hardly used any Scripture.
Wesley T, I tuned into part of the live stream before I had to go to church tonight, and I thought it was funny that he was basically preaching the exact same sermon he preached the time that he denied Jesus was his Messiah. He even told the same lame jokes and much of the sermon was verbatim. He even made the same mistakes (like thinking that there were only 2 million people on the earth at the time of Christ when there were actually about 200 million). These traveling evangelists just keep recycling the same material! haha
We watched the last half and it was a joke. Preachers like him make me more sure of my position on end times. (Post trib, pre wrath) He proved nothing with the Scripture he used, he didn't even know the context of the verses he was using. It was laughable at best. This meeting is going to crash and burn.
Please let us know where we can find a video of Dr. Sam Chimp's video. Constructive criticism is always good (unlikely), as as is a good laugh (very likely). Great being able to visit your church on Easter, amazing experience. Peace and God Bless.
Wasted another hour listening to Gipp. He is such a liar.
Well, tomorrow night he is going to use lots of Scripture, so he says.
We need to have our own "conference" and show them how its done.
I was going to preach on the "Pre-Tribulational Rapture" on Wednesday night BUT I couldn't find a text. Not one verse, chapter or book of the Bible teaches this false "Pre-Trib" fairy tale doctrine.
Just got done watching the Monday night session with "the Gipster"... it was mostly confusing rabbit trails of unrelated gibberish that proved absolutely nothing. I had to force myself to watch the whole thing-- it was an utter waste of time.
If this is his best attempt to "prove Steven Anderson wrong", well... all I can say it was the lamest attempt I've ever heard.
You're right Pastor Anderson - this "conference" is already back-firing big-time for these fools. If I had wanted to build up the cause of the post-trib, pre-wrath rapture, I couldn't have done a better job than to have a buffoon like Gipp speak against it.
A big "THANKS" should go out to Keith Gomez for all his work in getting Gippie the Clown to come to Illinois - the meeting tonight was laughable.
I second that!
Well said!
ALSO I have learned a ridiculous amount from pastor Anderson and I'll never fall for false doctrine again since Pastor Anderson guided me AND taught me to read my Bible and question all things.
I thank God for his teaching too.
What do you mean by that?
Dear anonymous preachers wife, 1st. Sam Gipp is not a preacher of the Bible, when he doesn't even think Jesus should of been named Jesus!!!! 2nd you said you were taught to never ever degrade a preacher--you just did, in a public setting!!! I wonder how you degrade your husband at home? 3rd. Maybe you should be working more for Jesus so your not on social media trying to reprimand. Guide your own home and submit to your own husband!! 4th Pastor Anderson is doing exactly what he is supposed be doing. He is keeping his flock and people around the world up to date on Satan's attacks!! He is marking men Romans 16:17-18. 5th my husband would be so embarrassed if I went online trying to reprimand a man of God!! Touch Not God's Anointed!!! Remain silent woman, Pastor Anderson is about his Father's business!!!
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