Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yes! I won yesterday in court!

This video contains excerpts from my hearing yesterday in Phoenix Municipal Court. I was found "not responsible" for the charge (i.e. I won).

The charge was a bogus parking ticket.


Anonymous said...

That exchange was awesome. You need to let us hear the whole thing! I couldn't believe it when then judge said, in relation to and the parking ticket you calling the police officer "dude" that "Its totally relevent to this case, it’s the only reason why were here." only reason. exactly. nothing to do with a parking violation. love it that you won!

Conrad said...

Ha! don't call me dude, dude!

Anonymous said...

WOW.. the accuser sounds like he's overcomplicating a 'parking ticket' issue.. really? WE LIVE IN AMERICA, PEOPLE.. The first Amendment gives us FREE SPEECH so deal with it!

Anonymous said...

Nice you won but too bad you lack respect for authority above you.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting, check that, expected that the judge accuses you of inconveniencing the court by being there. As if you insisted on getting a fraudulent ticket.

Anonymous said...

Why are you always in trouble??? As a Christian and a shepherd who leads other people spiritually, you are supposed to be operating with the Spirit of Christ and I do not not sense this in you at all. The book of Hebrews tells us to try our best to live at peace with all men. Grow up. *Toya

Anonymous said...

It troubles me that the judge had no problem with the officer being disrespectful to you.