Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Birthday/Anniversary Stay-cation Day 1 (July 23)

My birthday is tomorrow, July 24, and our wedding anniversary is coming up on August 13, so we are taking a little "stay-cation" this week to celebrate. Zsuzsa and I don't get to go out together alone very often because we never leave our children with anyone except my mother. Mom was nice enough to offer to come out from Sacramento and watch the kids for us this week, and we were quick to take her up on the offer!

In January, we took a 3 day trip together where we took only baby Stephen with us. We had a wonderful time, but he hated every minute of it because (1) he missed his brothers and sisters, (2) he prefers to be at home, and (3) babies always hate it when their parents are affectionate with one another (afraid of being replaced too soon? haha). This time, we decided to stay in town, so we could go places BY OURSELVES (not even bringing baby Stephen!) since we would only be gone on our  outings a few hours at time.

Our stay-cation began Tuesday evening with a trip to Castles and Coasters! We rode a super-high zip line, did a rope obstacle course, and rode most of the rides. Our favorite was the log flume, which we rode 3 times.

After Castles and Coasters, we went by the house for about an hour so Zsuzsa could do story time with the kids and nurse the baby down. Then it was off to Brazilian Bull Steakhouse!

Google Places said they were open until 10:30pm, but we go there at 9:25pm, and they were already closed! In N Out it is! Same thing, right! haha

"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." - Proverbs 15:17

It worked out for the best anyway because it gave us more time for the rest of our evening! We are going to go to the Brazilian Steakhouse on Friday night instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi bro Steven, do you celebrate birthdays? Jesus Birthday, your birthday? wife's children's? should we have no problem with that?
