Thursday, October 13, 2016

Street Preaching Clowns

The BBC Documentary entitled, “Hate Preachers in America,” came out a few days ago. What I didn’t like about the film is that they put our church side by side with a pompous gang of “street preachers” who hold up signs and yell at people out in public. Since they went back and forth between showing our church and that other group, someone might get the impression that we are affiliated with those clowns.

The group featured in the documentary is led by Reuben Israel, a Zionist with a lot of false doctrine. Most street preachers believe that you have to repent of your sins to be saved, and many of them teach that you can lose your salvation. For example, Reuben Israel has said that you if you commit suicide you will go to Hell. The worst part of the documentary was when one of the street preachers, Aiden, actually said that he doesn’t sin anymore.

“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8

Not only are most street preachers preaching another gospel, but they go around pointing out people’s sins in a rude way. For example, the documentary showed a street preacher condemning some people who were outside of a bar. This message is not the gospel, and approaching people in that way is not going to get anyone saved. One does not have to repent of the sin of drunkenness to be saved.

People do need to realize their sinful condition, but giving them a general example such as, “We’ve all told a lie before,” will usually suffice. The condescending attitude of many street preachers stems from the fact that they think they got saved by turning over a new leaf.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

Preaching that we are all sinners like the Bible says is much more loving and tactful and will always get a better response. Those who start coming to church will hear hard preaching against specific sins, but the goal of soul winning is not to get the sin out of people’s lives.

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23

Another major difference between us and the street preaching crowd is our approach in dealing with the Sodomites. We aren’t telling homos to get saved, because they have already been turned over to a reprobate mind and can no longer believe the gospel. We preach what the Bible says about sodomy, but we would not purposely vex ourselves by attending a filthy queer pride event.

“I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.” Psalm 101:3

The lady who filmed the documentary actually went with us to the Atlanta soul-winning marathon and also to another huge soul-winning event in Sacramento. She witnessed effective soul winning firsthand, yet none of that footage was included in the documentary. Instead of showing hundreds of people getting saved and many being baptized at our soul-winning events, she showed street preachers being obnoxious and spinning their wheels.

The goal of the documentary was to make us seem hateful, so portraying us as humble soul winners would not have furthered the BBC’s liberal agenda. Whenever they showed clips of me preaching, they attempted to undermine the message by editing out the supporting Bible verses. They wanted to make it seem like I was preaching my own opinions and that our church members were just following me instead of getting their views from the Bible. Somehow one verse slipped through, which is the perfect warning for the British Broadcasting Corporation and the United Kingdom:

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17

On a less important note, I didn’t appreciate being painted as a Trump Supporter, when I don’t support Trump at all—I never have. All in all, I was pleased with the parts of the documentary about our church since it will help spread some truth and hopefully people will will be reached when they look up our sermons.

Here is the full BBC documentary 

Here is the BBC documentary with all the street preaching clowns edited out 


Anonymous said...

Amen. Not surprised the BBC would change the context, or lump you with those idiots. The BBC is an incredibly evil organisation, where the TV shows have been blaspheming or mocking Christians for at least 30-40 years, they've been pushing the homo agenda since the 60s/70s, today they have quotas that they have to hire x-amount of queers. They have a deep-rooted history of paedophilia, sodomy and sexual assaults - check out the Jimmy Savile story just for one, but there are so many of them e.g. Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris. I know of reported stories (from UK media) of different cases of assaults, molestation, orgies, doing kids shows while high on marijuana, and the BBC covered it all up - some of it came to light though. (and it's totally Zionist-run, check who's been at the top the past few decades) If you think that it was bad in USA since they were introducing queers e.g. Will and Grace in the late 1990s, the BBC was doing it slowly in the 1970s already (Steptoe and Son with the "dirty old man" who in real life was a homo paedo, Are You Being Served with a camp homo, Likely Lads with reference to homos and a cameo homo actor pretending to be normal, to say a few)

And to add insult to injury, the British public are extorted of £140 a year for a TV license which directly funds the BBC's existence, despite them also making a huge income from merchandise and DVDs.

So if you ever want to do a "BBC In Light Of The Bible" you have more than enough material to destroy them :-) God bless!

Anonymous said...

Wow that is interesting...I'm from Aus but remember watching a show called The Young Ones as a kid that had a lot of blasphemy and mocked christians and so did the Goodies.I was a young child and loved them...i see it in a different light now. God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Well said Pastor.

Even when the street preachers are not being obnoxious with their language and picking fights, they come off as being crazed and a loud nuisance to normal people, especially when they climb on to the bus and begin preaching loudly.

I think this is all a setup for a legal justification to silence outdoor evangelization. Several European nations are already intolerant of minarets blaring "Allahu akbar!" and some evangelical churches have been shut down under noise ordinances. Russia has outlawed soulwinning. I'm sure South Africa might follow suit following the events of last month.

This documentary is geared towards outlawing soulwinning. That's the red-letter sub-text.

Christians take note! Jesus said, Watch.

Anonymous said...

Lol fellow Anonymous :-)

Yup, The Young Ones was pretty bad, so was the sequel Bottom - and that was mild compared to their live shows. At the same time Not The Nine O' Clock News was often mocking God and Christianity, using repeat blasphemy; later I remember an episode of Only Fools and Horses where they mocked Christianity badly - an episode where the local church (Catholic of course) had a statue of Mary which was weeping, but it was a roof leak after the main character had stolen the lead roof tiles; but the priest blessed him for it due to the income it generated. They were worried that the character was in danger of becoming Christian because his Cliff Richard tapes were gone... and these are 30-35 year old shows.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I certainly do not place you into the category as the loud obnoxious street preachers, nor in the even more obnoxious preaching protesters, I encountered, at a memorial service. I attended a memorial service a few years ago and across the street, from the church, was a group of church members loudly protesting. They certainly were not winning any souls with their behavior. It is very unsettling to be in the presence of street preachers, or at least that is my experience.

I do listen to your YouTube sermons, study and learn even disagreeing on occasion.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I certainly do not place you into the category as the loud obnoxious street preachers, nor in the even more obnoxious preaching protesters, I encountered, at a memorial service. I attended a memorial service a few years ago and across the street, from the church, was a group of church members loudly protesting. They certainly were not winning any souls with their behavior. It is very unsettling to be in the presence of street preachers, or at least that is my experience.

I do listen to your YouTube sermons, study and learn even disagreeing on occasion.

The Preacher said...

You are so full of yourselves. You do not have to repent? Are you so biblically ignorant. REPENT YE and BELIEVE the gospel. Every time that word is used is to repent from SIN. Jesus Christ came to save men from THEIR SINS, not their unbelief!!

Most Pastors hide behind four walls of a church and are NOT godly (God LIKE) because they never been persecuted for preaching against sin, and preaching the gospel unto salvation. They preach smooth words and make fair speeches and would be frightened beyond belief if they actually preached in the streets like ALL the men of Acts because the Lord Jesus Christ led the way!

Most of you are just TALK. You might have led a soul or two to Christ, while most open air preachers that are godly men have led thousands and exalted the Lord Jesus Christ OPENLY to those who would not waste 5 SECONDS coming through the doors of a typical church. Then again, the unbiblical teaching of bringing in the lost into the assembly is another sad example of a Christianity gone MAD.

A Preacher of Righteousness