Johnny Nixon - pervert false teacher from "Born That Way Ministries" |
It has recently come to my attention that even some of the big-name independent fundamental Baptist preachers are now supporting an organization called "Born that Way Ministries." The so-called Christian version of the homos-are-born-that-way philosophy teaches that homosexuals are really just spiritual eunuchs who have been destined to a life of celibacy. Churches who subscribe to this doctrine invite Sodomite reprobates into their churches and try to reform them, endangering children in the process.
In biblical times and at other stages of human history, some males were castrated, and these men were called eunuchs. If someone has no desire to get married or have a sexual relationship with anyone due to an anatomical defect or other medical condition--or even just out of zeal for the Lord, that person may classify as a type of biblical eunuch. Few people are born with those type of conditions or choose a life of celibacy on purpose, but the occasional person remaining celibate for their entire life is a legitimate and natural option.
Homosexuality, on the other hand, is an abomination and unnatural. If someone is born with no sex drive, they don't just accidentally start going after "strange flesh." According to the thesis of the book these people are pushing, we are supposed to believe that a man who committed Sodomy with a multitude of men was actually just "asexual" and attracted to neither men nor women. It's hard to believe that anyone is actually stupid enough to believe that. The true story is that many fundamental Baptists don't have the guts to preach what the Bible actually says in 2017 America, so they conveniently latch onto these type of cute, new doctrines.
I always try to overlook some of the differences I have with mainstream independent fundamental Baptists and have repeatedly steered people in the direction of “the best church in your area,” but it is becoming more and more difficult for me to endorse the current leaders of the old IFB movement. I realize that there are many independent churches who are not on board with the born that way movement, however it appears to be spreading in fundamental Baptist circles.
Men like Dr. Jack Hyles and Dr. John R. Rice knew that Sodomites were not born that way and would probably roll over in their graves if they saw the liberal direction many of the Bible-college driven independent Baptist circles are going today. As Baptists we need to make the Bible our authority instead of being carried about with every wind of doctrine. Like Josiah in 2 Kings chapter 23, we need to keep the Sodomites away from the house of God.
The following list of churches that support Born that Way Ministries should be avoided at all costs since inviting Sodomites into church is dangerous to children:
Paul Gentry, 360-428-7012
Harvest Baptist Church
16946 Memorial Hwy
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Dr. Bob Gray
Solve Church Problems
Dr. Rick Carter, 405-691-6990
Bethaven Baptist Church
12400 South Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73170
Dr. Jeff Owens, 252-633-4220
Twin Rivers Baptist Church
804 US Hwy 70 East
New Bern, NC 28560
Dr. J. Michael Callaghan, 510-233-2556
Arlington Baptist Church
6382 Arlington Blvd
Richmond, CA 94805
Pastor Dominic Pennachietti, 215-467-9259
New Greenwich Light Baptist Church
121 West Oregon Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Pastor Christian Pennachietti, 215-389-2626
Third Baptist Church
2400 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19145
Pastor Jeremiah Andrews, 318-343-1830
Bayou Baptist Church
866 Hwy 139
Monroe, LA 71203
Pastor Chris McPherson, 229-890-1170
Crossview Baptist Church
197 Hopewell Church RD.
Moultrie, GA 31788
Pastor Dave Koehler, 419-994-1611
Loudonville Baptist Temple
15528 State Rt 3 North
Loudonville, OH 44842
Pastor Rob Green, 207-882-6941
Bible Baptist Church
143 Beechnut Hill Rd.
Wiscasset, ME 04578
Daniel Southern, 214-810-0418
Pastor Josh Carter, 360-671-8697
Bellingham Baptist Church
2501 Orleans Street
Bellingham, WA 98226
Pastor D. Pennachietti, 215-426-1909
Bethel Baptist Church
2210 East Susquehanna Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19125
Pastor Aaron Rodgerson, 660-665-0050
Southside Baptist Church
1010 West Burton Street
Kirksville, MO 63501
Pastor Paul Caldwell, 479-295-9048
Lighthouse Baptist Church
778 South Happy Hollow Rd.
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Pastor Don Thoms, 315-323-1384
Grace Baptist Church
1817 Green Street
Ogdensburg, NY 13669
Pastor Chet Cooper, 478-825-7495
Victory Baptist Church
243 Marshall Mill Rd.
Fort Valley, GA 31030
Pastor Paul Dziadul, 478-474-4842
Lake Wildwood Baptist Church
701 Greentree Pkwy
Macon, GA 31220
Pastor Clemon Chapell Jr., 219-845-8059
SonRise Baptist Church
2301 Fairbanks Street
Gary Indiana 46406
Pastor Mark Agan, 919-742-3968
Community Baptist Church
2575 Hamp Stone Rd.
Siler City, NC 27344
Dr. S.M. Davis, 1-800-500-8853
Solve Family Problems
Pastor Vince Williams, 607-373-5648
Temple Baptist Church
121 Grotsinger Rd.
Norwich, NY 13815
Dr. James Wilkins, 817-909-8010
New Testament Ministries
Pastor Steven White, 604-502-7546
Grace Baptist Church
13570 78th Ave.
Surrey, BC V3W 8V3
Preacher Mike Kellet, 318-396-6000
Whites Ferry Rd. Church
3201 North 7th Street
West Monroe, LA 71291
Here is a sermon to go with this article.
Good on you for naming and shaming them!
Why is it always about the queers though lately? Like, why are more and more churches bending over backwards to accommodate this abomination - and what's next once they achieve whatever they hope to achieve, zoophiles? I mean, are these churches being told by a governing body (like a denomination) to focus on them, or are they trying to outdo each other in how much "love" they have for the worst reprobates, or are they being paid off or blackmailed by e.g. governments, NWO, etc?
Maybe it's me but it seems like this is their focus lately. It's not like they're begging people of other religions into their churches to get saved, or appealing to drunks or liars or fornicators *specifically*. Nope, let's all invite the child molesters into church and try to get them saved instead...
Well said Pastor! Well said.
Perhaps the reason why these pastors who supposedly have read the Bible for 40, 50+ years believe this is to be found in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 - 4 (KJV).
While I believe that Matthew 19:9 - 12 (KJV) is related to 1 Corinthians 7 (KJV), I also believe Jesus was saying (in a somewhat parable in verse 12) that anyone that divorces must be prepared to effectively become a eunuch if they are to avoid committing adultery through remarriage. It was for this reason I think the disciples thought it was a hard teaching and that a man should not marry in that case.
It is a very deep predicament when your spouse divorces you, which is the reason Jesus said in Matthew 5:32 (KJV) that a person that divorces his wife "causeth her to commit adultery," as there are not many people who will have the willpower to become a "eunuch" and eschew the marital relationship for the rest of their lives.
Kent Hovind, for one, thought it too great a sacrifice to be a eunuch after his wife divorced him, hence his sinful use of Genesis 2:18 (KJV) as justification for breaking Jesus commandment and calling you a Pharisee for reproving him and preaching against remarriage.
Back on the subject of the "confused eunuch", thank you for highlighting Brother Adam Fannin, who did great treatment to this false doctrine over at Stedfast Baptist. It is indeed a lie from the pit of hell and needs to be scorched from all IFB pulpits.
I HATE faggots.
I think it would be great to share these blog posts to the Faithful Word Baptist Church facebook page. I sometimes forget to check, and I don't think as many people know there is a blog. This is a great list. I knew Jeff Owens was familiar, being I'm from NC.
Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD???? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.
I attend one of the churches on this list. And I was shocked when the pastor brought in Johnny Nix to preach last year. What is even more sad is the only other churches within driving distance from me also are homo sympathetic. What do I do!? I've been praying for my Pastor of this subject. But now I think I will just pray that God sends a Bold man to start a church. I just can't stop going to church.
2 female pastors to co-lead Calvary Baptist... What a complete mockery of God!
We were in Washington at Pastor Carters church in October, we went soulwinning one Tuesday with Pastors nephew who was visiting. He told us about a book a man wrote about homosexuals and was getting them saved and I just knew it was not a good thing then. After I watched that video by Nixion yesterday my spirit knew he was a wolf. How can these Pastors be so blind. So grateful for Pastor Anderson.
I wonder which of these churches believe in the inspired Word of God in our King James Bible, not in just the originals heresy.
I hope Pastor Anderson keeps this list current.
I wonder if churches other than Baptist will pick this up, how could anyone be this stupid.
I'm In the same position as you. I live in the country and all IBCs that I know of around me are sympathizers... I'll be praying for you, that you wild get a good church, and I would appreciate it if you would pray for me?
John R. Rice might have called a duck a duck when it came to queers. However, he was novice on the end-times and he wrote books causing much damage the Fundamental Baptist mindset regarding Bible prophecy. He is partly responsible for me believing false doctrines such as imminence and the pretrib lie for two decades. His commentary on Revelation is replete with significant errors.
John R. Rice also said the KJV had "serious errors" while endorsing the ASV as correcting those mistakes.
I'm searching sermons from Jack Hyles and John R. Rice and am not finding anything where they teach sodomites are reprobates. They say things along the lines of "it's perversion, it's filthy, these people are dangerous to society... but they can still be saved!" Maybe I misunderstood, but I got the impression from things you have said about these men that they destroyed sodomy and taught they were reprobates. Were there any pastors before you teaching sodomites are reprobates??
I was under Brother Jack Hyles' preaching for the last 10 years of his life. I heard him say from the pulpit (1998?) that he had never seen a queer get converted during his entire ministry.
���������� LetGodBurnThem!!!! these filthy sodomites! Our church here in Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines, Faithway Baptist Church, Our Pastor strongly believes that Homosexuality is Sin and is an abomination, but i think they still believe in 1% ratio that they can be saved if they would just believe and change their lifetyle, They don't get what reprobate means, what Romans 1 clearly says, This has been bugging my mind too all these years, until I listen to ypur sermon Pastor Steven and learned that it's too late for them, GOD GAVE THEM UP already, they are already too much, before I got saved i had these college homo friends, and when I heard your sermon and watch the documentary I xan really say it's really true, everything you describe them and the Bible describe them, they filthy pedophiles, full of envy, deciet, so on and so forth.
Finally a pastor that is totally willing and NOT afraid to preach every single word of the Lord our God!!! And not afraid to preach against the gay community for its wickedness that it truly is!!!! AMEN!
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